[Scilab-Dev] uimenu.callback_type == -2 ?

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Sat Sep 7 13:32:36 CEST 2019


While i wasupdating the uimenu_properties page 
<http://bugzilla.scilab.org/16008>, noticeably to document .callback_type,
i noticed that one of the Figures submenu has a .callback_type set to -2 
(see below).
I have found nothing in the uicontrol doc about the meaning of this value.

Would you know  what it is, to interpret .callback?


--> get(0).showhiddenhandles = "on";
--> gcf().children(4).children(1)
  ans  =

Handle of type "uimenu" with properties:
Parent: uimenu
Children: []
Enable = "on"
Foregroundcolor = [0,0,0]
Label = "&Rotation 2D/3D"
Handle_Visible = "off"
Visible = "on"
Callback = "set(get_figure_handle([SCILAB_FIGURE_ID]), ''info_message'', 
''Right click and drag to rotate.'')"
Callback_Type = *-*2
Checked =  "off"
Icon =  "transform-rotate"
Userdata = []
Tag = ""

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