[Scilab-Dev] Feedback about first migration steps to GitLab

COUVERT Vincent Vincent.COUVERT at 3ds.com
Fri Sep 23 18:21:42 CEST 2022

Hi all,

TLDR: we started the migration from *.scilab.org websites to https://gitlab.com/scilab and plan to move all remaining contents. Everything is open, you can review the current state and tell us what is missing/wrong. To be added as contributor, send your GitLab ID to contribute at scilab.org<mailto:contribute at scilab.org>.

A few weeks ago, we send you an email explaining what was going on for Scilab development/user tools.
It is now time to ask for your feedback about the first migration steps.

-          Bugzilla:

o   A temporary project has been created to give you a preview of the final result: https://gitlab.com/scilab/bugzilla2gitlab/-/issues

§  Import will be completed in a few hours, so starting from Saturday morning (Paris time), you will be able to edit these issues, create new ones, ... and try to figure out what is missing.

§  But do not forget that all modifications done in this temporary project will be lost during the final import to Scilab project.

o   The final import of Bugzilla will be done in Scilab project on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/scilab/scilab/-/issues

o   Only bugs related to Scilab software will be imported. Bugs related to ATOMS Portal, ... will not be imported since they will probably be invalid in the future (See below)

o   Due to some GitLab API limitations, we will not be able to keep some Bugzilla information:

§  Creating issues using GitLab API and setting the name of the original author is not possible in public GitLab instance. So, all GitLab issues will be created using a generic ScilabBot account and original reported name will be added as a comment in the issue header.

§  Same limitation for notes on issues, the author in GitLab will be ScilabBot but original author will be added as a comment.

§  Duplicates: the original date of the change to "Duplicate" status will not be kept and will be replaced by the date of the migration of the issue from Bugzilla to GitLab

§  "Blocks" and "Depends on" information will not be transferred to GitLab since this option is only available with a Premium account.

o   From now, Bugzilla (https://bugzilla.scilab.org/) will no more be editable (no new issues, no comments, ...). If you want to report issues, please wait until the end of the migration to GitLab.

-          Gerrit/Codereview:

o   To keep track of history, we created a Wiki page per validated commit in a dedicated project: https://gitlab.com/scilab/legacy_codereview/-/wikis/Home/Archive/CodeReview

o   On each page, you will find information such as the author, the committer, the comments and a link to the commit itself.

o   We only created pages for the master and the 6.1 branches considering other branches are less important.

o   Once Scilab project will be re-opened, all changes under review will have to be converted to merge requests (https://gitlab.com/scilab/scilab/-/merge_requests) by their original author before the end of the year. If you need help, do not hesitate to contact us at contribute at scilab.org<mailto:contribute at scilab.org>.

o   For the moment, we plan to close https://codereview.scilab.org by the end of this year.

-          Wiki:

o   Old Scilab Wiki has been converted to a GitLab Wiki in a dedicated project: https://gitlab.com/scilab/legacy_wiki/-/wikis/home

o   Contribute by moving/update relevant content to the new Scilab wiki: https://gitlab.com/scilab/scilab/-/wikis/home

During the next weeks, we will continue our migration work:

-          ATOMS:

o   As a first step, https://atoms.scilab.org/ will be kept as a static version on a new server waiting for a replacement solution (to be defined).

o   During this period, if you want to update your toolbox, please contact us at contribute at scilab.org<mailto:contribute at scilab.org>

-          FileExchange:

o   As a first step, https://fileexchange.scilab.org/ will be kept as a static version on a new server waiting for a replacement solution (Probably GitLab snippets: https://gitlab.com/scilab/scilab/-/snippets).

o   If you want to start moving your files to GitLab snippets, do not hesitate to ask an access to Scilab projet at contribute at scilab.org<mailto:contribute at scilab.org>

-          Help:

o   As a first step https://help.scilab.org/ will be kept as a static version on a new server waiting for a replacement solution (We will try a migration to GitLab pages during the next weeks).

-          Continuous integration:

o   Migration to GitLab is started and Scilab CI should be available in a few weeks.

We will wait for your feedback about Bugzilla import, Wiki import and CodeReview wiki until the 2nd of October 2022.
Then we will make a new/final version of all imports (if needed) and re-open Scilab project on GitLab for contributions (issues, merge request, ...).
Once again, if you want us to link your Gitlab account to what your contributions (Gerrit changes, Bugzilla bug reports, ...), please send an email to contribute at scilab.org<mailto:contribute at scilab.org> containing a link to your GitLab account and information about your Bugzilla account.

Best regards,
The Scilab Team

Cordialement / Best Regards,

Numerical Computation / Scripting Application Senior Manager
Office: +33 2 9927 1857
Dassault Systèmes SE | 15 Rue Claude Chappe, Zac des Champs Blancs, Batiment B | 35510 Cesson Sevigne | France

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