The demonstrations are the ones from revision 24868 I have performed a fresh checkout of the linux requirements (and reinstalled all the thirdparty modules in the build directory and in the install directory (INSTALL_DIR/share/scilab/thirdparty). The Linux/bin/*.so have been installed in INSTALL_DIR/share/scilab/.libs All the menu walking are indicated via something like Demonstration (from the ? menubar)->Introduction. The tested item are indicated by a ** or a ****. I have put some comments like OK or NOK and given some informations like scilab console messages, shape of the graphics, shell messages ... -------------------------------- - Demonstrations->Introduction - -------------------------------- -->if haveacompiler() then -->// CALLING EXTERNAL ROUTINE -->foo=['void foo(double *a,double *b,double *c)'; --> '{ *c = *a + *b; }' ]; -->// we use TMPDIR for compilation --> -->if ~c_link('foo') then --> path = getcwd(); --> chdir(TMPDIR); --> mputl(foo,'foo.c'); --> ilib_for_link(['foo'],'foo.o',[],"c"); Generate a loader file Generate a Makefile ilib_gen_Make: configure : Generate Makefile in /local/stow/scilab-5/share/scilab//modules/dynamic_link/src/scripts/ ./configure: line 44: Permission non accordée ilib_gen_Make: Copy compilation files (Makefile*, libtool...) to TMPDIR !--error 10000 ilib_gen_Make: An error occurred: copyfile: Source file /local/stow/scilab-5/share/scilab//modules/dynamic_link/src/scripts//Makefile.orig does not exist or unable to access. at line 50 of function ilib_gen_Make_unix called by : line 56 of function ilib_link_gen_Make called by : line 29 of function ilib_for_link called by : ilib_for_link(['foo'],'foo.o',[],"c"); line 214 of exec file called by : line 45 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback -------------------------------------------- - Demonstrations->Graphics->2D and 3D plot - -------------------------------------------- ** plot2d OK ** plot2d1(1) OK (can't kill the window) ** plot2d3 ** plot2d1(2) OK (maybe a pb with the position of the legend ?) ** histplot OK ** fplot2d OK ** param3d(1) OK ** param3d(2) OK ** plot3d OK ** fplot3d OK ** plot3d1 OK ** fplot3d1 OK ** contour OK ** fcontour OK ** contourf OK (a big dark dot near (0,0). Is it normal ?) ** champ OK ** fchamp OK ** grayplot OK ** fgrayplot OK ** errbar OK ** abaque OK for the figure. In the console: WARNING : Function xclip is obsolete. WARNING : Please use clip_state and clip_box instead. ** zgrid OK ** xgeom NOK In the scilab console: xsegs(x1,y1);'; !--error 31 Incorrect string. at line 40 of exec file called by : line 1 of function demo_run called by : line 42 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 33 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 33 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback In the terminal: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at Source) at java.util.Arrays.mergeSort(Unknown Source) at java.util.Arrays.mergeSort(Unknown Source) at java.util.Arrays.sort(Unknown Source) at java.util.Collections.sort(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy.enumerateAndSortCycle(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy.getFirstComponent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.LayoutFocusTraversalPolicy.getFirstComponent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy.getDefaultComponent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.FocusTraversalPolicy.getInitialComponent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.SequencedEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at Source) Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: illegal component position at java.awt.Container.addImpl(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JLayeredPane.addImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.add(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JRootPane.setMenuBar(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JFrame.setJMenuBar(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.gui.bridge.window.SwingScilabWindow.addMenuBar(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.gui.window.ScilabWindowBridge.addMenuBar(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.gui.bridge.ScilabBridge.addMenuBar(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.gui.window.ScilabWindow.addMenuBar(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.gui.utils.BarUpdater.updateBars(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) at org.scilab.modules.gui.bridge.ScilabBridge.setName(Unknown Source) at Source) at org.scilab.modules.gui.graphicWindow.ScilabRendererProperties.setTitle(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.renderer.figureDrawing.DrawableFigureGL.setTitle(Unknown Source) ** contour (3d) (2) OK ** contour (3d) (3) NOK (this one is easy) t = %pi*(-10:10)/10;'; !--error 31 Incorrect string. at line 13 of exec file called by : line 1 of function demo_run called by : line 42 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 33 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 33 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback ** contour (3d) (4) OK ** subplot OK (still a problem with the ylabel) ** fac3d OK ** fac3d1 OK --------------------------------------------- - Demonstrations->Graphics->Basic functions - --------------------------------------------- ** Rectangles, Arcs, Polylines, Segments and Numbers OK but, in the scilab console: WARNING : Function xclip is obsolete. WARNING : Please use clip_state and clip_box instead. ** Rectangles, Arcs, Polylines, and Strings OK but, in the scilab console: WARNING : Function xclip is obsolete. WARNING : Please use clip_state and clip_box instead. ** Setting properties NOK WARNING : Function xclip is obsolete. WARNING : Please use clip_state and clip_box instead. xclea(410,50,10,100); !--error 4 Undefined variable: xclea in execstr instruction called by : execstr(expr); line 110 of exec file called by : line 1 of function demo_run called by : line 42 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 33 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 33 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback ** Window properties NOK xinit(display); !--error 4 Undefined variable: display in execstr instruction called by : execstr(expr); line 30 of exec file called by : line 1 of function demo_run called by : line 42 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 33 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 33 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback ** Set of rectangles OK but, in the scilab console: WARNING : Function xclip is obsolete. WARNING : Please use clip_state and clip_box instead. ** Colored matrix OK but, in the scilab console: WARNING : Function xclip is obsolete. WARNING : Please use clip_state and clip_box instead. ** Colored histogram OK but, in the scilab console: WARNING : Function xclip is obsolete. WARNING : Please use clip_state and clip_box instead. ** Pie Chart OK but, in the scilab console: WARNING : Function xclip is obsolete. WARNING : Please use clip_state and clip_box instead. ---------------------------------------- - Demonstrations->Graphics->Animations - ---------------------------------------- ** Rotation of a 3D surface (plot3d1) OK ** 3d curve (param3d) OK ** Lorentz curve (param 3d) OK but the title is a little bit hidden when the animation stops ** Rotation of a 3D contour OK but the title is a little bit hidden when the animation stops ** Evolution of a 3D surface (plot3d) OK but the title is a little bit hidden when the animation stops * N link pendulum movement OK but the title is a little bit hidden when the animation stops and a ans = 0.04 appears in the scilab console ** Shell OK but I don't see any animation in this demo ?? --------------------------------------------- - Demonstrations->Graphics->Finite Elements - --------------------------------------------- ** Finite Element display with colorbar OK ** Finite Element display with a mesh OK but, in the scilab console: xset: Unrecognized input argument: "use color". xset: Unrecognized input argument: "use color". ** Sfgrayplot OK !! Warning: I needed to click 3 times on "cancel" to go back to the "choose a demo" window -------------------------------------------------------- - Demonstrations->Graphics->Bezier curves and surfaces - -------------------------------------------------------- ** Gammatest OK ** 2D curve Bezier test OK ** 3D curve Bezier test OK ** Bezier surface test OK ** Bezier surface test 2 OK -------------------------------------------------------- - Demonstrations->Graphics->Bezier curves and surfaces - -------------------------------------------------------- Warning: redefining function: field . Use funcprot(0) to avoid this message. Warning: redefining function: dup . Use funcprot(0) to avoid this message. ** Surface with holes 1 OK ** Surface with holes 2 OK ** Sphere OK ** Shell OK ** Spiral OK ** Rings OK ** Torus OK ** Torus 1 OK Warning: redefining function: factor . Use funcprot(0) to avoid this message. inside function: torus1 . ** Moebius OK Warning: redefining function: factor . Use funcprot(0) to avoid this message. inside function: moebius . ** Tube OK ** Black Hole OK ** Rieman surface (n=2) OK --------------------------------------- - Demonstrations->Graphics->Misc OK - --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- - Demonstrations->Graphics->Complex elementary functions - ---------------------------------------------------------- ** All functions are OK (but some graphics are a little bit ugly: the heigh is very high with respect to width - the title of each subplot are a little bit hidden to the window title bar). ---------------------------------------------- - Demonstrations->Graphics->bar histogram OK - ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------- - Demonstrations->CASCD - ------------------------- ** LQG (continuous time - default values for each parameters - Frequency response) NOK -->mode(-1); !--error 10000 xend: xinit must be called before any action. at line 9 of function xend called by : xbasc(0);xset("window",0);xselect();bode(Tlqg);xend() line 95 of exec file called by : line -1 of function demoex called by : demoex(num) line 28 of exec file called by : line 45 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback ** Mixed-sensitivity OK (default values selected each time) ** PID (default values selected each time - continuous time) OK ** Inverted pendulum (Two huge black triangles are drawn on the first graph) OK WARNING : Function xclip is obsolete. WARNING : Please use clip_state and clip_box instead. ** Flat systems : Both are OK ** Tracking: OK but a message to the user to tell him to hit ENTER to continue should be nice. ** Robust control: OK but a message to the user to tell him to hit ENTER to continue should be nice. -------------------------- - Demonstrations->GUI OK - -------------------------- But the script should be written progressively in the console like with most of the other demonstration script ----------------------------------------------- - Demonstrations->Optimisation and Simulation - ----------------------------------------------- When I select this demo and then hit "cancel", I don't come back the the previous dialog but I stay in the current dialog. Then, when I hit "cancel" again, I live the demonstration dialog and go back to the scilab console. This happens for several other demo scripts. ** LMITOOL OK for the 3 demos (H-infinity gain, Output feedback, Sylvester equation) ** Multiflow problem NOK Old graphic mode is no longer available. Please refer to the set help page. !--error 4 Undefined variable: v at line 68 of function %graph_e called by : line 2 of function ge_dig_bound called by : line 9 of function ge_set_winsize called by : line 61 of function edit_graph called by : line 4 of function demo_multiflow called by : demo_multiflow(path+'ex3.graph') line 11 of exec file called by : line -1 of function demoex called by : demoex(num) line 27 of exec file called by : line 45 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback ** Nonlinear data fitting OK (but 3 big black dot plotted near (0,0) - maybe related to a problem with the legend). A message is printed in the scilab console. Old graphic mode is no longer available. Please refer to the set help page. ------------------------------------- - Demonstrations->Signal processing - ------------------------------------- ** Spectral estimation OK but a message to the user to tell him to hit ENTER to continue should be nice. ** IIR filter design OK ** Minimax FIR filter design OK but a message to the user to tell him to hit ENTER to continue should be nice. ** Wiegner filter OK (maybe a problem with the position of the legend) ** Bode plots OK but a message to the user to tell him to hit ENTER to continue should be nice. ** Arma simulation and identification OK but a message to the user to tell him to hit ENTER to continue should be nice. (maybe a problem with the position of the legend) ** Arma, bidimensional version OK but a message to the user to tell him to hit ENTER to continue should be nice. ** Arma, Spectral power estimation OK but a message to the user to tell him to hit ENTER to continue should be nice. (maybe a problem with the position of the legend - a big black dot is plotted near (0,0)) When I click on "cancel" to go back to the main demo menu, an error message is printed in the scilab console: lines(oldln(1)) !--error 4 Undefined variable: oldln at line 31 of exec file called by : line 45 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback --------------------------- - Demonstrations->Metanet - --------------------------- An error message is printed in the scilab console after I selected two stations: num = 1. !--error 4 Undefined variable: v at line 68 of function %graph_e called by : line 4 of function update_graphv5 called by : line 5 of function update_graph called by : line 50 of function load_graph called by : line 150 of function metro called by : metro(demopath) line 22 of exec file called by : line 45 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback -------------------------- - Demonstrations->Tcl/TK - -------------------------- ** Color NOK: TclStackFree: incorrect freePtr. Call out of sequence? /local/stow/scilab-5/bin/scilab: line 409: 22139 Abandon "$SCILABBIN" $* Demonstrations->Metanet bash: Demonstrations-: command not found ** Puzzle: NOK alloc: invalid block: 0x86896b8: e8 8 /local/stow/scilab-5/bin/scilab: line 409: 22182 Abandon "$SCILABBIN" $* ** Scroll OK ** Scale NOK TclStackFree: incorrect freePtr. Call out of sequence? /local/stow/scilab-5/bin/scilab: line 409: 22216 Abandon "$SCILABBIN" $* ** Uicontrol NOK -->exec(tkpath+'uicontrol.sci'); -->myuidialog() !--error 999 figure: invalid value type. at line 25 of function figure called by : line 8 of function myuidialog called by : myuidialog() line 9 of exec file called by : exec(tkpath+'uicontrol1.sce') in execstr instruction called by : line -2 of function demoex called by : demoex(num) line 32 of exec file called by : line 45 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback ------------------------------------------ - Demonstrations->Sound file handling OK - ------------------------------------------ but I though that "mapsound" function plotted something ?!? The graphic figure stay white ... ------------------------------ - Demonstrations->Simulation - ------------------------------ ** n-pendulum NOK Warning : The identifier : draw_chain_from_coordinates has been truncated to: draw_chain_from_coordina. Warning : The identifier : draw_chain_from_coordinates has been truncated to: draw_chain_from_coordina. Warning : The identifier : draw_chain_from_coordinates has been truncated to: draw_chain_from_coordina. Generate a loader file Generate a Makefile ilib_gen_Make: configure : Generate Makefile in /local/stow/scilab-5/share/scilab//modules/dynamic_link/src/scripts/ ./configure: line 44: Permission non accordée ilib_gen_Make: Copy compilation files (Makefile*, libtool...) to TMPDIR !--error 10000 ilib_gen_Make: An error occurred: copyfile: Source file /local/stow/scilab-5/share/scilab//modules/dynamic_link/src/scripts//Makefile.orig does not exist or unable to access. at line 50 of function ilib_gen_Make_unix called by : line 56 of function ilib_link_gen_Make called by : line 29 of function ilib_for_link called by : line 15 of function npend_build_and_load called by : line 5 of function demo_pendulum called by : demo_pendulum() line 20 of exec file called by : line -1 of function demoex called by : demoex(num) line 24 of exec file called by : line 45 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback ** Wheel simulation NOK The messages printed in the scilab console while displaying the precomputed trajectory: Warning : redefining function: wheeld . Use funcprot(0) to avoid this message Old graphic mode is no longer available. Please refer to the set help page. The message printed in the shell console: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 970468950 at org.scilab.modules.renderer.utils.ColorMap.getRedChannel(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.renderer.utils.ColorMap.getColor(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.renderer.utils.ColorMap.getColor(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.renderer.grayplotDrawing.DrawableGrayplotGL.drawGrayplot(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.renderer.jni.FigureScilabCallJNI.displayFigure(Native Method) at org.scilab.modules.renderer.jni.FigureScilabCall.displayFigure(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.renderer.figureDrawing.SciRenderer.display(Unknown Source) at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLDrawableHelper.display( at$Updater.display( at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLDrawableHelper.display( at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLPbufferImpl$ at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLDrawableHelper.invokeGL( at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLPbufferImpl.maybeDoSingleThreadedWorkaround( at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLPbufferImpl.display( at at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.paintToOffscreen(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager.paint(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.RepaintManager.paint(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent._paintImmediately(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.paintImmediately(Unknown Source) at$ at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at Source) Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at at org.scilab.modules.gui.bridge.canvas.ScrolledSwingScilabCanvas.display(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.gui.canvas.ScilabCanvasBridge.display(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.gui.bridge.ScilabBridge.display(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.gui.canvas.ScilabCanvas.display(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.gui.graphicWindow.ScilabRendererProperties.forceDisplay(Unknown Source) at org.scilab.modules.renderer.figureDrawing.DrawableFigureGL.drawCanvas(Unknown Source) Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(Unknown Source) at ... 6 more Caused by: May not call this between glBegin and glEnd at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLImpl.checkBufferObject( at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLImpl.checkPackPBODisabled( at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLImpl.glReadPixels( at$Updater.display( at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLDrawableHelper.display( at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLPbufferImpl$ at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLDrawableHelper.invokeGL( at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLPbufferImpl.maybeDoSingleThreadedWorkaround( at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLPbufferImpl.display( at at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.paintToOffscreen(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager.paint(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.RepaintManager.paint(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent._paintImmediately(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.paintImmediately(Unknown Source) at$ at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at Source) When I try to perform the simulation, I meet a permission problem: Warning : redefining function: wheeld . Use funcprot(0) to avoid this message Old graphic mode is no longer available. Please refer to the set help page. Warning : redefining function: cd . Use funcprot(0) to avoid this message inside function: wheel_build_and_load . Generate a loader file Generate a Makefile ilib_gen_Make: configure : Generate Makefile in /local/stow/scilab-5/share/scilab//modules/dynamic_link/src/scripts/ ./configure: line 44: Permission non accordée ilib_gen_Make: Copy compilation files (Makefile*, libtool...) to TMPDIR !--error 10000 ilib_gen_Make: An error occurred: copyfile: Source file /local/stow/scilab-5/share/scilab//modules/dynamic_link/src/scripts//Makefile.orig does not exist or unable to access. at line 50 of function ilib_gen_Make_unix called by : line 56 of function ilib_link_gen_Make called by : line 29 of function ilib_for_link called by : line 13 of function wheel_build_and_load called by : wheel_build_and_load() line 25 of exec file called by : line -1 of function demoex called by : demoex(num) line 24 of exec file called by : line 45 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback ** Bike simulation. The simulation is very slow if you compare to the same simulation on scilab-4.1.2 (maybe due to the old graphic mode ?) **** bike: unstable trajectory OK but The error message in the scilab console: Old graphic mode is no longer available. Please refer to the set help page. The graphic is absolutely hugly ! **** bike: unstable trajectory maybe OK but The error message in the scilab console: Old graphic mode is no longer available. Please refer to the set help page. And I had to kill the graphic window because it was so slow. ** ODE's **** Lorentz equation: OK no graphic pops up. So, I exit the demonstration and scilab, restart scilab and then restart the Lorentz equation and the graphic appears. **** ODE 1D Vector field NOK everything seems OK but after 2 minutes, I was still stuck in the script. So, I kill kenny (abort via the "Control" menu). I tested a second time and then, I wasn't able to abort via the "control" menu. **** Van der Pol vector field NOK toolbar(0,'off'); !--error 999 toolbar: Wrong value for first input argument: 'Graphic Window Number 0' does not exist. at line 15 of exec file called by : line -1 of function demoex called by : demoex(num) line 28 of exec file called by : line -1 of function demoex called by : demoex(num) line 24 of exec file called by : line 45 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback **** Lokta-Volterra vector field NOK toolbar(0,'off'); !--error 999 toolbar: Wrong value for first input argument: 'Graphic Window Number 0' does not exist. at line 15 of exec file called by : line -1 of function demoex called by : demoex(num) line 28 of exec file called by : line -1 of function demoex called by : demoex(num) line 24 of exec file called by : line 45 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback ** DAE's **** Spherical pendulum NOK File SCI/demos/simulation/dae/dae1.dem does not exist or read access denied. at line 1 of function demoexc called by : demoexc("dae1.dem"); line 19 of exec file called by : line -1 of function demoex called by : demoex(num) line 24 of exec file called by : line 45 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback **** Sliding pendulum NOK !--error 241 File SCI/demos/simulation/dae/dae2.dem does not exist or read access denied. at line 1 of function demoexc called by : demoexc("dae2.dem"); line 21 of exec file called by : line -1 of function demoex called by : demoex(num) line 24 of exec file called by : line 45 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback ------------------------------ - Demonstrations->Others NOK - ------------------------------ Generate a loader file Generate a Makefile ilib_gen_Make: configure : Generate Makefile in /local/stow/scilab-5/share/scilab//modules/dynamic_link/src/scripts/ ./configure: line 44: Permission non accordée ilib_gen_Make: Copy compilation files (Makefile*, libtool...) to TMPDIR !--error 10000 ilib_gen_Make: An error occurred: copyfile: Source file /local/stow/scilab-5/share/scilab//modules/dynamic_link/src/scripts//Makefile.orig does not exist or unable to access. at line 50 of function ilib_gen_Make_unix called by : line 56 of function ilib_link_gen_Make called by : line 29 of function ilib_for_link called by : line 15 of function velpic_build_and_load called by : velpic_build_and_load() line 28 of exec file called by : line 45 of function demo_file_choice called by : line 6 of function scilab_demos called by : scilab_demos(); while executing a callback ---------------------------------- - Demonstrations->Spreadsheet OK - ---------------------------------- -------------------------- - Demonstrations->Scicos - -------------------------- ** Simple Thermostat OK ** Continuous Plant discrete controller OK ** Simple demo OK ** table lookup example OK ** Threshold OK ** Scilab block OK ** Thermostat OK ** Fibonacci OK ** Cont.Disc-Observer OK ** Controler NOK (a window pops up: Controller cannot be loaded - opening a new diagram) ** System-Observer OK ** Synchro Block demo OK ** Kalman Filter OK ** Inverted Pendulum OK ** Lorentz Attractor OK (but when I move some figures while the simulation is running, the history of the trajectory is not correctly redrawn). ** Datatype OK ** Digital Pulse Generator OK ** WaterTank OK ** Goto/From Demonstration OK Sometimes, when I close scicos (after having closed some graphics via file->close), the closed graphics reopen (but with an empty content).