function [helptxt,demotxt]=help_from_sci(funname,helpdir,demodir) // Generate help files and demo files from the head comments section of a .sci source file. // // Calling Sequence // help_from_sci() // generate an empty function template // help_from_sci(funname,helpdir) // generate helpdir/funname.xml from funname.sci // help_from_sci(dirname,helpdir) // process dirname/*.sci and create helpdir/*.xml help files. // help_from_sci(dirname,helpdir,helpdir) // as above but also creating helpdir/*.dem.sce demo files. // [helptxt,demotxt]=help_from_sci(funname) // return funname.xml and funname.dem.sce code as two text matrixes. // Parameters // funname: the name of a single .sci source file to be processed. // dirname: directory name where all .sci files will be processed. // helpdir: optional path where the .xml help file will be created. // demodir: optional path where .dem.sce demo files will be created based on code from the Examples section. // helptxt: returns the XML help code if helpdir is empty, or the path to the new .xml file. // demotxt: returns the demo code if demodir is empty, or the path to the new file. // // Description // help_from_sci is a revised version of the help_skeleton function. // Its objective is to generate .xml help files based on the head comments section // of .sci source files. Optionally .dem.sce demo files can be generated based on // code from the Examples section in the head comments section of .sci files. // // In order for help_from_sci to format the .xml file properly the // head comments section should comply with some simple formatting rules. // // The first comment line following the function definition should contain a short description // of the function. // // The remaining comments are formatted according to the following (optional) headlines: // "Calling Sequence", "Parameters", "Description", "Examples", "See also", "Used functions", // "Authors" and "Bibliography". // // The following guidelines should be used when writing the source code comments: // // Calling Sequence - one example pr. line. // Parameters - separate parameter name and // description by a ":". Keep the description of each parameter on the same line. // Description - formatting of the text can be done // using XML commands. // Adding an empty comment line in the Description section is interpreted as the // start of a new paragraph. // See also - list one function name pr line. // Authors - write one author on each line following // the Authors headline. Use ";" to separate the authors name // from any add additional information. // Bibliography - write one reference pr line // following the References headline. // // // Examples // help_from_sci() // Open an empty source code template in the Scipad editor. // // Save this template as test_fun.sci in the current directory before running // // the next example commands. // // help_from_sci('test_fun') // return the xml skeleton as a text string // // help_from_sci('test_fun','.') // create the xml help file in the current directory. // // // create both a xml help file and a demo file in the current directory. // help_from_sci('test_fun','.','.') // // // From a toolbox root directory a typical calling sequence would be: // // help_from_sci('macros','help\en_US','demos') // // This command would process all .sci files in the macros directory // // and use the head comments section to update all .xml help files in the // // help\en_US directory an rebuild the .dem.sce files in the demos\ directory. // // See also // help // help_skeleton // xmltohtml // Authors // T. Pettersen ; // Copyright Torbjørn Pettersen 2008 // // This software is a toolbox for Scilab // // This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and // abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, // modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL // license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL // "". // // As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, // modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only // with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the // economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited // liability. // // In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated // with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the // software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, // that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also // therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced // professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore // encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their // requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or // data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the // same conditions as regards security. // // The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had // knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. try getversion('scilab'); catch error(gettext('Scilab 5.0 or more is required.')); end; if argn(2)==0 then template=[ 'function [z]=function_template(x,y)' '// Short description on the first line following the function header.' '//' '// Calling Sequence' '// [z]=template_function(x,y) // calling examples, one pr. line' '//' '// Parameters' '// x: the x parameter // single line description of each parameter.' '// y: the y parameter // parameter name and description must be ' '// z: the z parameter // separated by "":"".' '//' '// Description' '// Here is a description of the function.' '// Add an empty comment line to format the text into separate paragraphs.' '//' '// XML format commands may also be used directly in the text.' '// ' '// An itemized list is shown here' '// ' '// See the source code for help_from_sci.sci for more examples on how to write the initial comment section.' '//' '// Examples' '// [z]=test_fun(1,2) // examples of use' '//' '// // An empty comment line in the Examples section will add a halt() statement' '// // in the demo file test_fun.dem.sce generated by help_from_sci.' '// See also' '// help_from_sci' '// help_skeleton' '//' '// Authors' '// Author name ; should be listed one pr line. Use "";"" to separate names from additional information ' '// Bibliography' '// Literature references one pr. line' '' '// start of coding after on empty line to mark the end of the head_comments section' 'z = sin(x).*cos(x+y);' 'endfunction' ]; f=mopen(TMPDIR+filesep()+'function_template.sci','w'); mfprintf(f,'%s\n',template); mclose(f); scipad(TMPDIR+filesep()+'function_template.sci'); helptxt=[]; return; end if argn(2)<3 then demodir=[]; end if argn(2)<2 then helpdir=[]; end if ~isempty(demodir) & ~isdir(demodir) then error('...demodir must be a directory.'); end if isdir(funname) then printf('\nReading from directory %s \n',funname); files=findfiles(funname,'*.sci'); // read *.sci files. for i=1:size(files,'r'), [tmp,out]=fileparts(files(i)); if isempty(helpdir) then help_from_sci(funname+filesep()+files(i),'.',demodir); printf(' ...reading %s/%s.sci ... writing %s.xml',funname,out,out); else help_from_sci(funname+filesep()+files(i),helpdir,demodir); printf(' ...reading %s/%s.sci ... writing %s/%s.xml',funname,out,helpdir,out); end if ~isempty(demodir) then printf(' and %s/%s.dem.sce\n',demodir,out); else printf('\n'); end end printf('help_from_sci processed %i files.\n',i); helptxt=''; return; end out=tokens(funname,filesep()); out=out($); out=tokens(out,'.'); out=out(1); // remove .sci (...wont work for demotxt=['mode(1)' '//' '// Demo of '+out+'.sci' '//' '']; verno=ver(); verno=verno(1,2); helptxt=[ '' '' '' '' '' '' ' ' ' $LastChangedDate: '+date()+' $' ' ' '' ] if isempty(strindex(funname,'.sci')) then funname=funname+'.sci'; end; if isempty(fileinfo(funname)) then error(funname+' does not exists'); end; f=mopen(funname,'r'); if isempty(f) then error('Failed to read '+funname+'.sci'); end line=' '; doc=[]; while isempty(strindex(line,'function ')) & ~meof(f), line=mgetl(f,1); end line=mgetl(f,1); short_descr=stripblanks(strsubst(line,'//',''),%T); helptxt=[helptxt; ' ' ' '+out+''+short_descr+'' ' ' '']; cmds=['CALLING SEQUENCE','PARAMETERS','DESCRIPTION','EXAMPLES','SEE ALSO',.. 'AUTHORS','BIBLIOGRAPHY','USED FUNCTIONS']; doing='search'; i=strindex(line,'//'); line=mgetl(f,1); while (~isempty(stripblanks(line)) & ~meof(f)), if stripblanks(line)=='//' then if doing=='Description' then in='new_descr_param'; else in=''; end else in=strsplit(line,i(1)+1); in=stripblanks(in(2)); end IN=convstr(in,'u'); if find(cmds==IN) then [add_txt,doing]=change_activity(doing,in) helptxt=[helptxt;add_txt]; else if doing=='Calling Sequence' then helptxt=[helptxt;' '+in+'']; elseif doing=='Parameters' then i=strindex(in,':'); if ~isempty(i) then if length(in)>i(1) then in=strsplit(in,i(1)); par_name=in(1); par_descr=in(2); else par_name=in; par_descr=' '; end helptxt=[helptxt;' '+par_name+'']; helptxt=[helptxt;' '+par_descr+'']; end elseif doing=='Description' & in=='new_descr_param' then helptxt=[helptxt;' ';' ']; elseif doing=='Description' then helptxt=[helptxt;in]; elseif doing=='Examples' & convstr(in,'u')~='EXAMPLES' then demotxt=[demotxt;in]; if isempty(stripblanks(in)) then demotxt=[demotxt;'halt() // Press return to continue']; end helptxt=[helptxt;in]; elseif doing=='See also' & convstr(in,'u')~='SEE ALSO' & ~isempty(stripblanks(in)) then helptxt=[helptxt;' '+in+'']; elseif doing=='Authors' & convstr(in,'u')~='AUTHORS' & ~isempty(stripblanks(in)) then [name,ref]=chop(in,';'); if isempty(ref) then helptxt=[helptxt;' '+name+'']; else helptxt=[helptxt;' '+name+''+ref+'']; end elseif doing=='Bibliography' & convstr(in,'u')~='BIBLIOGRAPHY' & ~isempty(stripblanks(in)) then helptxt=[helptxt;' '+in+'']; elseif doing=='Used functions' & convstr(in,'u')~='USED FUNCTIONS' & ~isempty(stripblanks(in)) then helptxt=[helptxt;' '+in+'']; end end line=mgetl(f,1); i=strindex(line,'//'); end helptxt=[helptxt;change_activity(doing,'FINISHED')]; mclose(f); if ~isempty(helpdir) then mputl(helptxt,pathconvert(helpdir,%t,%f)+out+'.xml') helptxt=pathconvert(helpdir,%t,%f)+out+'.xml' end demotxt=[demotxt;'//========= E N D === O F === D E M O =========//']; if ~isempty(demodir) then f=mopen(demodir+filesep()+out+'.dem.sce','w'); mfprintf(f,'%s\n',demotxt); mclose(f); demotxt=demodir+filesep()+out+'.dem.sce'; end endfunction //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function [head,tail]=chop(str,tok) i=regexp(str,'/'+tok+'/','o'); if isempty(i) then head=str; tail=[]; else head=part(str,1:i-1); tail=part(str,i+1:length(str)); end endfunction //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function [txt,doing]=change_activity(currently_doing,start_doing) doing=start_doing; select convstr(currently_doing,"u") case 'CALLING SEQUENCE' then txt=['']; case 'PARAMETERS' then txt=[' ';'']; case 'DESCRIPTION' then txt=['';'']; case 'EXAMPLES' then txt=[' ';'']; case 'SEE ALSO' then txt=[' ';'']; case 'AUTHORS' then txt=[' ';'']; case 'BIBLIOGRAPHY' then txt=['']; case 'USED FUNCTIONS' then txt=['']; else txt=''; end select convstr(start_doing,"u"), case 'CALLING SEQUENCE' txt=[txt;'';'';' Calling Sequence']; case 'PARAMETERS' txt=[txt;'';'';' Parameters';' ']; case 'DESCRIPTION' txt=[txt;'';'';' Description';' ']; case 'EXAMPLES' txt=[txt;'';'';' Examples';' ']; case 'SEE ALSO' txt=[txt;'';'';' See also';' ']; case 'AUTHORS' txt=[txt;'';'';' Authors';' ']; case 'BIBLIOGRAPHY' txt=[txt;'';'';' Bibliography']; case 'USED FUNCTIONS' txt=[txt;'';'';' Used functions']; case 'FINISHED' txt=[txt;'']; end endfunction