[Enseignement] pb installation SIVP

Poulmaire Charles Charles.Poulmaire at ac-versailles.fr
Lun 10 Juin 18:32:49 CEST 2013

j'ai suivi vos précieuses indications mais il semble qu'il y ait  
toujours un pb:
atomsLoad : Le fichier  
'C:\Users\charles\AppData\Roaming\Scilab\scilab-5.4.1\atoms\x64\SIVP\\loader.sce' n'existe pas ou n'est pas accessible en  

le poids de l'archive dans  
C:\Users\charles\AppData\Roaming\Scilab\scilab-5.4.1\atoms\x64\SIVP :  
39419 Ko

  ans  =

    offline: "False"
    downloadTool: "curl"

                accsum - Accurate summation algorithms
    aerospace_blockset - Aerospace Blockset for Xcos providing basic  
aerospace blocks based on CelestLab library.
          ampl_toolbox - An interface to load .nl files created by AMPL
           ANN_Toolbox - ANN Toolbox
                apifun - Check input arguments in macros.
               arduino - Arduino Communication through Serial
                 arfit - Multivariate Autoregressive Model Fitting
        Cardiovascular - Tools for analysis of cardivascular signals  
(time, frequency and time-frequency)
                 casci - A Collection of Probability and Statistics  
Functions used at P. Castagliola's Lab
                   CCA - Algorithms for manipulating and visualizing  
convex functions.
             celestlab - CNES Space mechanics toolbox for mission analysis
               CLUSTER - This toolbox implements functions for  
clustering and for evaluating clustering algorithms.
                condnb - Evaluates the condition number of functions.
                Conint - Confidence intervals
          convertlatin - functions to convert to UTF-8 to latin (and reverse)
              coselica - Standard Open Modelica Blocks
                  CPGE - CPGE dedicated Xcos blocks
         csv_readwrite - Fast functions to read and write csv files
                 CUTEr - Testing environment for optimization and  
linear algebra solvers
           dace_scilab - This is a conversion of the well known DACE  
kriging toolbox for Matlab.
                dbldbl - Double-Double floating point numbers
           dde_toolbox - Dynamic Data Exchange client for Scilab
              DeCaToKi - This work present a serie of functions to  
analize state-space and LPV descriptor systems
              diffcode - Automatic differentiation
      digimetrie_Tools - Provide functions ans Xcos Blocks for control  
of Digimetrie's boards
               dispmat - Display matrices graphically
               distfun - Distribution functions
                edflib - load/write edf/bdf-files
           emd_toolbox - Toolbox for Empirical Mode Decomposition of  
1-D, 2-D and more dimesional signals.
               EMTTOOL - An electromagnetics toolbox for scilab
              femtruss - A Truss finite element code for scilab
             Financial - Module is about risk measure and management,  
asset allocation, and pricing
         floatingpoint - Functions to manage floating point numbers
               fmincon - Nonlinearily constrained multivariable  
optimization solver
                fsmtbx - Fast factorization of matrices with  
displacement structure
  Global_Optim_toolbox - Global optimization toolbox for solving  
unconstrained polynomial optimization problems
                grocer - Comprehensive econometric toolbox
            guibuilder - A Graphic User Interface Builder
              guimaker - A toolbox for creating GUIs with a minimum of  
               helptbx - Update the help of a module automatically.
              huffcomp - This small toolbox shows the principles of  
huffman coding.
            HYDROGRv50 - Models and function for operational hydrology
           ica_toolbox - Toolbox containing algorithms for independent  
component analysis and blind source seperation
        identification - Tools for identification of dynamical systems
                 imsls - Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Equations
                indinf - Algorithms to calculate influences of graphs
               intprbs - Provides 23 functions for multidimensional  
               iodelay - manipulation and frequency analysis of linear  
dynamical systems with input or output delays
                   IPD - This toolbox implements functions for object  
                  JIMS - Module to manipulate Java objects from Scilab
                  json - A Simple JSON Toolbox for Scilab
           lcc_windows - LCC-win32 support for Scilab
                libsvm - Libraries for SVM and large-scale linear  
                linalg - A collection of  algorithms for linear algebra
               lolimot - A fast neural network - LOcal LInear MOdel Tree
               lowdisc - Provides Halton, Sobol and other sequences.
                lsitbx - Scilab 5 toolbox for optimal stable inversion  
of linear time-invariant systems.
            makematrix - A collection of  test matrices.
          maple2scilab - maple2scilab
          MatrixMarket - Read and Write Matrix Market formatted files
      Max_Plus_Algebra - Collection of some theory and applications in  
Max Plus Algebra
            MDPtoolbox - Markov Decision Processes toolbox
               metanet - Graph and Network toolbox
                 mingw - Dynamic link with MinGW for Scilab on Windows
      minphase_toolbox - Design a stable discrete IIR filter with  
arbitrary gain or phase.
                modbus - Modbus Interface
          module_lycee - Scilab pour les lycées
              montesci - Monte Carlo simulator with GUI
                   nan - A statistics and machine learning toolbox
                NARVAL - Generation of random graphs and performance  
of routing algorithms
                 NIDAQ - NI-DAQmx interface with Scilab
                  NISP - Non Intrusive Spectral Projection
           nistdataset - NIST Statistical Reference Datasets
                   NTG - This module is dedicated to network  
topologies analysis.
                number - Integers algorithms
            opc_client - OLE for Process Control Toolbox for Scilab
        OpenRTDynamics - OpenRTDynamics Toolbox for Scilab
             optkelley - Scilab software for Iterative Methods for Optimization
                  PIMS - Module to manipulate Python objects from Scilab
               plotlib - Matlab-like plotting library
             portaudio - portaudio - play and record audio from your sound card
    ProActiveConnector - Large Scale Parallel Computing in Scilab with  
ProActive Scheduler
                   PSO - The PSO on Scilab
                quapro - Linear and Linear Quadratic Programming
              rdataset - a collection of 597 datasets that were  
originally distributed alongside R
              regtools - A toolbox for linear and non linear  
regression analysis
              RLDesign - Simple GUI for Control Design Using Root Locus
                rltool - A GUI toolbox for designing SISO systems
              scetoexe - example to embed a .sce in a windows .exe
              scibench - A collection of benchmarks
             scicobyla - An interface to the COBYLA optimization method.
               scidemo - A collection of demonstrations
                scidoe - Design of experiments
                sciFLT - sciFLT is a Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for scilab
            SciFreeFEM - FreeFEM for Scilab
              sciGPGPU - Gpu Computing for Scilab
              scilab2c - Translate Scilab code into C code
            Scilab_XLL - Scilab Xll Add in for Excel (97 to 2007)
            scilib_geo - A collection of functions for use in  
geodaesie and astronomie
             sciopustc - Opus Test Case Module
                scipad - Scipad 7.20.1
                serial - A toolbox for communication over a Serial  
Port in Scilab
                  SIMM - SIMM
               simplex - This package contains the simplex optimization method
                siseli - Serial ports communication on Windows (Scilab 5.3+)
                  SIVP - SIVP intends to do image processing and video  
processing tasks
                   SMP - Some built-in to manage Scilab process on Windows
       sndfile_toolbox - Read & write sound files
        socket_toolbox - Basic socket functions for Scilab
               specfun - A collection of special functions
                 spilu - Incomplete LU factorizations
              Statpack - A collection of modules
                 stftb - Toolbox developed for the analysis of  
non-stationary signals using time-frequency distributions.
               stixbox - Statistics toolbox
                sudoku - Solve sudoku puzzles
                   swt - mimic matlab wavelet toolbox
               texmacs - texmacs
             toolbox_1 - To test the Atoms system
             toolbox_2 - To test the Atoms system
             toolbox_3 - To test the Atoms system
             toolbox_4 - To test the Atoms system
             toolbox_5 - To test the Atoms system
             toolbox_6 - To test the Atoms system
      toolbox_skeleton - Skeleton of a valid atoms package
                uncprb - Provide 35 unconstrained optimization problems
               Wavelab - WaveLab is a library  for wavelet analysis,  
wavelet- packet analysis, cosine-packet
         WriteXmlExcel - Write Excel xml files
xcos_toolbox_skeleton - Skeleton to create an Xcos palette  
(implementation of blocks) toolbox
                  XCPL - Toolbox for Power Electronics and Electrical Machines
              xls_link - xls_link (Automation link with Excel) A easy  
way to call excel(TM) from Scilab

Simon GARESTE <simon.gareste at scilab-enterprises.com> a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Plusieurs pistes :
> -que renvoie atomsGetConfig() ?
> -que renvoie atomsList() ?
> -quel est le poids de l'archive de SIVP dans  
> C:\Users\charles\AppData\Roaming\Scilab\scilab-5.4.1\atoms\x64\archives\  
> ?
> -pouvez-vous télécharger la version sur atoms, passer en mode  
> offline sur votre scilab (atomsSetConfig('offline','true')),  
> installer la version téléchargée  
> (atomsInstall('C:\Users\charles\Téléchargements\SIVP_0.5.3.1-2.bin.x64.windows.zip')), redémarrer Scilab si l'installation a fonctionné (et repasser en mode online, atomsSetConfig('offline',false))  
> ?
> Cordialement,
> Simon Gareste
> On 06/09/2013 01:10 AM, charles poulmaire wrote:
>> j'ai essayé d'installer le module SIVP mais je reçois le message suivant :
>> atomsExtract : L'extraction de l'archive  
>> 'C:\Users\charles\AppData\Roaming\Scilab\scilab-5.4.1\atoms\x64\SIVP\SIVP_0.5.3.1-2.bin.x64.windows.zip' a  
>> échoué
>> que faut-il faire ?
>> Cordialment
>> _______________________________________________
>> enseignement mailing list
>> enseignement at lists.scilab.org
>> http://lists.scilab.org/mailman/listinfo/enseignement
> -- 
> Simon Gareste
> Support & Development Engineer
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Scilab Enterprises
> 143bis rue Yves Le Coz - 78000 Versailles, France
> Phone: +
> http://www.scilab-enterprises.com
> _______________________________________________
> enseignement mailing list
> enseignement at lists.scilab.org
> http://lists.scilab.org/mailman/listinfo/enseignement

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