[Users-fr] how to print the result of every line of code ?

Sébastien GUILLOT seb-guillot at wanadoo.fr
Mar 16 Déc 09:30:38 CET 2014

Go to the help section and see how the “mode()” function works. I think you’ll find a way to make it work.


Sébastien GUILLOT,

Ingénieur en Structures Béton Armé


De : users-fr [mailto:users-fr-bounces at lists.scilab.org] De la part de Ever Barbero
Envoyé : lundi 15 décembre 2014 18:39
À : users-fr at lists.scilab.org
Objet : [Users-fr] how to print the result of every line of code ?


To debug my code, I find myself writing disp() after every line of code. 

How can I set the default of Scilab to print (on the console) the result of every line of code written on Scinotes?

Dr. E.J. Barbero (WVU)


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