[Users-fr] ScilabTEC 2015 - Call for Papers is extended until January 16

Scilab Communications communication at scilab-enterprises.com
Lun 5 Jan 15:39:57 CET 2015

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    ScilabTEC brings together during a two-day conference, those
    involved in the world of computation and numerical simulation in
    order to promote the exchange and innovation between the fields of
    research and industry.

      SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT ONLINE <http://www.scilabtec.com>
      Deadline EXTENDED for abstract submission: 16 January 2015

The Conference Commitee welcomes abstracts on the main scientific 
domains using Scilab/Xcos for numerical computation such as automotive, 
aeronautics, space, energy, defense, telecommunications, biomedical, 
finance, transportation, environment, etc.

The purpose of the presentation is to show the full potential of 
Scilab/Xcos for solving real life problems. In particular, Scilab 
industrial applications and new Scilab external modules presentations 
will be greatly appreciated.

Communication Department, Scilab Enterprises | 
communication at scilab-enterprises.com 
<mailto:communication at scilab-enterprises.com>
143bis rue Yves Le Coz - 78000 Versailles | www.scilab-enterprises.com 
<http://www.scilab-enterprises.com> - www.scilab.org <http://www.scilab.org>

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