Loading mex-files

duboism at limsi.fr duboism at limsi.fr
Tue Aug 26 18:20:36 CEST 2008

Hello everyone,

I would like to know how can I use a mex file inside scilab.

Let me explain. I use the CSIM neural simulator
(http://www.lsm.tugraz.at/csim/) which is composed of a C++ core and a mex
interface. To install it one needs to execute matlab-script which
basically calls a Makefile in the source directory. The result is a file
'csim.mexglx' (glx stands for GNU/Linux I guess) which is just a shared
library (so). The simulator uses some advanced matlab functions.

So my question is: can I load this file inside scilab or do I need to
recompile it?

I have read the mex examples in scilab directory but I don't have any
experience in writing external code.

Thanks in advance,

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