Help with rtitr error in Scilab

Nick Othieno nickothieno at
Wed Dec 3 07:02:53 CET 2008

Hi guys,

I am trying to run the following code in scilab:

L=3; M=2; fs_in=6; Ts_in=1/fs_in;
t_cont=[0:0.01:5]; x_cont=sin(2*%pi*t_cont)+2*cos(4*%pi*t_cont);
h=L*firpm(60,[0 2/(fs_in*L) 4/(fs_in*L) 0.5]*2,[1 1 0 0],[1 1]);

but I get the following error:

                           !--error 60
argument with incompatible dimensions

The values in x_e are:

 x_e  =

         column  1 to 14

    2.    0.    0.  - 0.1339746    0.    0.  - 0.1339746    0.    0.
2.    0.    0.  - 1.8660254    0.

         column 15 to 28

    0.  - 1.8660254    0.    0.    2.    0.    0.  - 0.1339746    0.    0.
- 0.1339746    0.    0.    2.

         column 29 to 42

    0.    0.  - 1.8660254    0.    0.  - 1.8660254    0.    0.    2.
0.    0.  - 0.1339746    0.    0.

         column 43 to 56

  - 0.1339746    0.    0.    2.    0.    0.  - 1.8660254    0.    0.  -
1.8660254    0.    0.    2.    0.

         column 57 to 69

    0.  - 0.1339746    0.    0.  - 0.1339746    0.    0.    2.    0.    0.
- 1.8660254    0.    0.

         column 70 to 83

  - 1.8660254    0.    0.    2.    0.    0.  - 0.1339746    0.    0.  -
0.1339746    0.    0.    2.    0.

         column 84 to 93

    0.  - 1.8660254    0.    0.  - 1.8660254    0.    0.    2.    0.    0.

and values in h are:

 h  =

         column 1 to 8

  - 0.0000037  - 0.0000535  - 0.0000966    0.0000195    0.0003521
0.0005352  - 0.0000530  - 0.0013496

         column  9 to 16

  - 0.0018804    0.0001157    0.0039041    0.0051475  - 0.0002160  -
0.0094187  - 0.0119515    0.0003552

         column 17 to 24

    0.0200286    0.0247607  - 0.0005242  - 0.0391450  - 0.0477507
0.0007027    0.0736679    0.0904745

         column 25 to 32

  - 0.0008623  - 0.1452481  - 0.1894378    0.0009731    0.4053300
0.8221257    0.9989871    0.8221257

         column 33 to 40

    0.4053300    0.0009731  - 0.1894378  - 0.1452481  - 0.0008623
0.0904745    0.0736679    0.0007027

         column 41 to 48

  - 0.0477507  - 0.0391450  - 0.0005242    0.0247607    0.0200286
0.0003552  - 0.0119515  - 0.0094187

         column 49 to 56

  - 0.0002160    0.0051475    0.0039041    0.0001157  - 0.0018804  -
0.0013496  - 0.0000530    0.0005352

         column 57 to 61

    0.0003521    0.0000195  - 0.0000966  - 0.0000535  - 0.0000037

Does anyone have any idea as to why rtitr is giving me the error?

                           !--error 60
argument with incompatible dimensions


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