IIR BP filter

Laurent HAAS laurenthaas at free.fr
Sat Dec 20 16:41:44 CET 2008


First of all, congrats for making this software available ! Great work !

I'm currently facing an issue regarding a simple BandPass filter...

Here's the code (FYI, I'm a total newbie - Forgive any 'basic' error !) :

[voice, Fs] = wavread("test.wav");
nbSamples = size(voice, 2);
if (size(voice, 1) > 1)
   voice = voice(1, 1:nbSamples); // Use only one channel if recorded in 
lisys = iir(11,'bp','butt',[300/Fs 3000/Fs],[0 0]);
voice = flts (voice, lisys);
wavwrite(voice, Fs, "voiceFiltered.wav");

Scilab doesn't complain. It just doesn't work. What's wrong ? A similar 
LP filter works, but an HP doesn't, too. I certainly miss something...

Thanks and regards !


(Scilab 5.03 - WinXP)

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