colorbar error

Mathieu Dubois mathieu.dubois at
Wed May 21 23:35:47 CEST 2008

Hi everybody,

I'm using scilab 4.1.2 on a x86_64 box running ubuntu 8.04.

I have trouble with the colorbar function. Each time I try to run the 
function (for instance the example code given in the man page of 
colorbar), I get the following error:
 !--error 999
set: Number of the second argument must be taken between 1 to 3
at line       4 of function generic_i_h called by :
line     2 of function %c_i_h called by :
line   113 of function colorbar called by :

Does anyone know what's happening and how to fix it?

Any help appreciated.
Best regards,

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