"error 240" issue while trying to open a file

thomas.auphan at free.fr thomas.auphan at free.fr
Wed Nov 12 23:04:30 CET 2008

I'm a quite new user of Scilab and I have the following problem (please excuse
me for my poor English !) :

When I try to execute this routine :
  // Ouverture du fichier ASCII (en .dat) :
  //Ici, le fichier a 256 lignes et 256 colonnes.
  //On range le contenu du fichier dans une matrice de taille

Scilab returns something like that "error 240 : the file "scene_modifie.dat"
already exists or write access denied. At line 4 of [...]" (I'm sure that the
error number is 240).

I think that I'm not the first person who have this issue, but I didn't find a
solution on the Web (including Scilab web site).

If someone has an explanation or a solution, could he explain me this ?

For more information about my issue, I can tell that:
1) I have this troubles with Linux + Scilab 5.0.3 (In this case, Linux is
Xubuntu 8.04 (updated)) and Window 2000 + Scilab 5.0.3.

2) With Linux, I have checked my users rights :
-rwx------ 1 tauphan tauphan 1049088 2008-01-07 14:10 scene.dat
-rwx------ 1 tauphan tauphan  983040 2008-11-10 20:01 scene_modifie.dat
-rwx------ 1 tauphan tauphan     643 2008-11-10 08:38 Traitement image

"Traitement image scilab.sce" contains the code of my routine.
With Windows 2000, I have also checked my rights and I worked as an

3) In both cases, the working directory (which contains "scene.dat",
"scene_modifie.dat" and "Traitement image") is on my Desktop (and I have aslo
tried when the working directory is in a partition (FAT32) in common with Linux
and Window)

4) I also tried to use fopen or fscanfMat but, Scilab doesn't manage to open the

5) The routine worked on an computer with Window 98 + Scilab 4.1.2 (though in
this case, Scilab in not very stable (Scilab 4.1.2 is not made for Window 98)).
So, I think that the code of my routine seems to be free of syntax errors.

Thank you very much for your help,

Best regards ,

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