[scilab-Users] compilation de scilab 5.1.1 sous RHEL 4u5

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at inria.fr
Fri Aug 14 13:35:31 CEST 2009

> I've finally found a version that mostly works (some menu problems, see below). I've tried the latest 32 bits branches-5.1 nightly build and the interface appears. So, here's a summary of the versions I tried and the result I've got :
> - any 64 bits version : no window appearing, nothing.
> - 5.1.1 32 bits gives this error :
> /Produits/publics/x86_64.Linux.2.6.9/scilab/5.1.1/bin/scilab-bin: /lib/tls/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by /Produits/publics/x86_64.Linux.2.6.9/scilab/5.1.1/lib/scilab/libscifileio.so.5)
> /Produits/publics/x86_64.Linux.2.6.9/scilab/5.1.1/bin/scilab-bin: /lib/tls/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by /Produits/publics/x86_64.Linux.2.6.9/scilab/5.1.1/lib/scilab/libscimetanet.so.5)
> /Produits/publics/x86_64.Linux.2.6.9/scilab/5.1.1/bin/scilab-bin: /lib/tls/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by /Produits/publics/x86_64.Linux.2.6.9/scilab/5.1.1/lib/scilab/libscispreadsheet.so.5)
> - scilab-branches-5.1-1249763895 32 bits works, but there are some bugs with the menus. If I click a menu it opens, but I can't select anything, and it disappears as soon as I release the mouse button. If I right click, hold the button, move the mouse in the menu and then release the button, the menu stays open and I can select entries by moving the mouse over them, click them with the right mouse button. After I click anything, I'm back to the original behavior and need to do the right mouse button trick to use the menus.
OK, thanks for the feedback. So, to sum up, the current nightly (future
5.1.2) build fixes all your problems ?

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