[scilab-Users] "No more memory" error on 5.1.1 when trying to plot

Yann Collette yann.collette at scilab.org
Thu Aug 20 19:36:23 CEST 2009

Tudor Buican a écrit :
> Hi, everybody.
> I installed the binary for Scilab 5.1.1 on a dual Xeon (quad core)
> machine running CentOS 5 (and Rocks 5.2) and it works except for the
> graphics. If I give a simple graphics command such as plot(a), a graphic
> window opens but nothing is displayed in it and the Scilab console gives
> the following error message:
>   DrawableObjectJoGL::endDrawing: No more memory.
> On the other hand, Scilab 4.1.2 works without a problem on the same
> machine and with the same commands.
> Any help getting this version to work would be appreciated.
> Thank you in advance,
> -Tudor Buican
Can you send an example of the plot command you use ?
Maybe the data set you try to plot is too big for scilab-5 (scilab-5 
eats more memory to run than scilab-4).


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