Read input from pipe or other stream

Ezio Ostorero ezio.ostorero at
Tue Feb 17 14:14:30 CET 2009

Hi All,

I'm a Scicos newcomer, so pardom me for being naive in my questions.

I'm trying to use Scicos for reading and plotting data from a serial line,
pretty lean task, isn't it?

I'm stuck with a couple of problems, reading the manual/helps/tutorial
didn't help much:

1) How do I read data from a source other than a file? Let's say a Unix
    Any examples available? Suggestions? Pointers to documentation?

2) I wish to plot, using a plain vanilla "Single Display Scope", against
absolute time (HH:mm:ss format), not elapsed time since start of the
        Any examples available? Suggestions? Pointers to documentation?

Thanks in advance,

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