Plotlib 3, svn version, looking for contributors !

Stéphane Mottelet stephane.mottelet at
Thu Jul 2 17:27:28 CEST 2009

Hi all,

11 days ago Richard Owlett was looking for something which was in fact
the "ColorOrder" axes property for Scilab. Since that day I have been
working hard and I am proud to annouce that the next version of the
plotlib implements many Matlab properties. With the plotlib, you
can now issue commands like :

_set(gca(),'linestyleorder',[1 0 0;1 0 0]);

The new command "_set" extends "set" to new properties, which are
hidden in the user_data field of graphics entities.

1-Available highlevel commands of the plotlib :

"plot", "semilogx", "semilogy", "loglog", "mesh","surf","surfl",
"pcolor", "plot3", "quiver", "quiver3", "triplot", "tripcolor"
"trimesh", "trisurf", "trisurfl", "fill", "fill3","axis","caxis",

quiver3 and quiver are new. The commands axis, caxis, view, shading,
grid where previously supported as property/value pairs in a non-standard
way (with respect to Matlab) :

Plotlib < 0.3 :


Plotlib >=0.3 :

axis equal

got it ?

The new version of the caxis command behaves like in Matlab. Changing
the CLim property automatically updates the colors in a shaded plot :

shading interp
caxis([0 0.5])

typing "caxis auto" restores the automatic scaling. If you don't like the
way plots flicker each time you modify a property, use the drawlater/drawnow
commands (original Scilab comands)

shading interp
caxis([0 0.5])

2-properties for "leaf" entities

'XData', 'YData', 'ZData', 'CData', 'UData','VData','WData','VertexNormals'
'Marker','MarkerSize','MarkerEdgeColor', 'MarkerFaceColor'

Most of these properties can be specified at entity creation time, e.g.


but for the moment XData, YData, ZData, UData, VData, WData can
be modified only by using _set. As far as I am concerned, I will use this for
animations in XMLlab :

shading interp

3-properties for "axes" entities


All these properties are used by using "_set" :

_set(gca(),'xtick',[1 5 10],'xticklabel',['one','five','ten']);

4-funny things : if you make subplots

subplot 221; pcolor(x.*x-y.*y); colorbar
subplot 222; surfl(x.*x-y.*y);
subplot 223; quiver(x,y,-y,x);
subplot 224; surf(x.*x+y.*y); grid

then you can double-click within an axes box to zoom back and
forth a given plot.

You can download the new plotlib at the following urls :

Comments are welcome. If someone wants to contribute, this is
now easy to add a missing property.

Enjoy !


Stéphane Mottelet
Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées
Université de Technologie de Compiègne

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