[scilab-Users] Problem with Sgrayplot/plot

François Vogel fvogelnew1 at free.fr
Sat Mar 21 09:16:17 CET 2009

FOURNIER Elisabeth said on 20/03/2009 17:32:
> Resultat : The point appears in color, but also a isoline ([x~10-20, 
> y~10-20]) appears with the same color.

plot(80,80,'*g')   seems to have an influence on the colormap (it adds 
the selected color, here green, at the end of the colormap). The 
isoline you're seeing is just the line having the 'max' color before 
the plot() instruction

You can use plot2d(80,80,style=0)  that does not have this behavior 
(make experiments with style=.. to fit your needs).


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