[scilab-Users] Re: [Scilab-Dev] Scilab 5.2 Beta available

Pierre LANDO pierre.lando at scilab.org
Fri Nov 6 15:01:04 CET 2009

Stéphane Mottelet a écrit :
> Hi all,
> just a question/remark. Since version 5, we have a powerfull rendering
> engine for graphics, but I still do not understand one particular point
> about interpolated shading. I know that Scilab still works with an
> indexed color scheme, but why interpolated shading still works by
> cuting triangles into constant color patches ?

Maybe for being compatible with scilab 4, but I'm not sure at all...

> This generates artifacts when exporting figure to ps,pdf,svg,...
You don't have the same result because it's not JoGL who make the 
exported files (in vectorial format).
You better should be happy to have something viewable when you export in 
vectorial format :o)
(see http://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4866).

> I think that JoGL should be able to use hardware bilinear shading,
> even with indexed colors (instead of TrueColor).
You are right, (modulo drivers problems), actually  the 'indexed color' 
is see by JoGL as a 1D-texture, nothing simplest as activating bilinear 
shading for the OpenGL texture.

But, it's look like that some people don't want to see in a graphic a 
color who doesn't exist in the colormap (very old trauma related to VGA 
display and is 0x13 mode).

I just hope one day scilab will use 'TrueColor' (as you say)...

Pierre LANDO
Ingénieur de développement
Consortium Scilab
Domaine de Voluceau
Rocquencourt - B.P. 105 
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex France
Tél. : +

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