[scilab-Users] lowpassfilter

Julio Gonzalez-Saenz julio.gonzalez at ymail.com
Wed Apr 14 22:41:42 CEST 2010

Hi Anders,

Can you please double check the semicolon on the function y definition? You also have a f1 and f2 but only f1 is defined..


Julio Gonzalez-Saenz

From: Anders Sneckenborg <anders at simbalsyd.se>
To: "users at lists.scilab.org" <users at lists.scilab.org>
Sent: Wed, 14 April, 2010 22:19:29
Subject: [scilab-Users] lowpassfilter 

When running the following script I expected
the filtered signal to have an amplitude of 0.5. 
My intention was to lowpassfilter a signal
with the same frequency as the cutoff frequency.  Am I doing something wrong? 
f1 = 0.1;      //Hz
tSamp = 0.01;  //s
tMax = 200;
t = 0:tSamp:tMax;
y = 1*sin(2*%pi*f1*t);  + 0.5*sin(2*%pi*f2*t);
Order = 1;
Fcutoff = 0.1;
Fs = 1/tSamp;
hz = iir(Order,'lp','butt',[Fcutoff/Fs 0],[0 0]);
sl = tf2ss(hz);
yf = flts(y,sl);
Best regards

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