[scilab-Users] About clustering

michael.baudin at scilab.org michael.baudin at scilab.org
Wed Feb 3 21:16:31 CET 2010


Quasi Monte-Carlo based on low discrepancy sequences 
(Halton, Sobol, Faure, Niederreiter, reverse Halton, etc...) can save 
a significant amount of simulations.
If you want to try them in Scilab, please contact me.

Best regards,


On Wed, 3 Feb 2010 11:02:22 +0200, Tadadjeu Sokeng Ifriky
<ifriky at gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings.
> I am to build a cluster to do a monte carlo simulation.
> The code will be in scilab.
> what are the hardware requirements for such a cluster?
> Do each server require a hard drive as in most MATLAB clusters?
> Thanks.
> Regards
> I T S

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