Too complex recursion!(recursion tables are full)

Eduardo Tarasiuk eduardo at
Mon Mar 22 17:34:47 CET 2010

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*


Maybe, someone can give me a clue for the solution of the following
I have a user writing a Scilab program with the following very strange

His program is composed of two files: the first defines the GUI and
calls (exec) the second file is where the GUI callbacks are defined.

One of the user functions is really enormous (2500 lines !!:(  ) (yes,
at this stage we are doing big efforts to help Scilab users, even if
their programs are not a Software Engineering piece of art).

The program has no recursion at all, and it seems that it is correctly
written (from the Scilab Syntax point of view).
When I move an "end" statement (from a for loop) after some lines of
comments. I receive the following error:

!-error 26
Too complex recursion!(recursion tables are full)
at line 1735 of function pc_calc_log called by:

Sometimes there is an error of stacksize is full, but no stacksize(<a
number>) or gstacksize(<a number>) seems to have any influence on it.

Restoring the "end" statement to its previous position, makes the
program run again.
One additional piece of information : The comment lines are legal, the
problem happens also when I write a comment like: "// blah bla blah,

I do not expect of course a complete solution of this problem with such
general information, even though for me is very strange that a comment
causes such a problem.

Have someone a clue of what may probably be the causes of that. Is any
limitation in the size, number of lines, etc of a function?
Is this error message happen only when recursion is used or may be
triggered on some different error.
May this error triggered by the Scilab machine and not by the program?
Because a parsing error?

     Any help will be very welcomed.

       Thanks !

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