Some Scilab interaction issues

Eduardo Tarasiuk eduardo at
Fri Mar 26 09:22:31 CET 2010



I do not know if this is the right place to write those issues, and if
not please write where I can do so and sorry.


[1]  The Graph Editor has a very basic default for fonts, and size of:
Axis Names, Labels, tics mark, etc.

        Maybe there is a reason for that like performance.

        The case is that users need to change all the time those
defaults, and when a lot of graphs are displayed, this is real, a lot of

        Is any possibility to give the user a button like "Save your
settings" and to save those settings,  in a file to be used for every
graph in the future?.

        A "Restore default settings or system settings" may be also

        The most needed settings are the fonts and size.


[2]   When browsevar is used to display variables, arrays, etc. It will
be easier if the user can save to a csv file a chosen array or matrix
directly from

        the browsevar using just the mouse and choosing something like :
"save var to a file".

        Engineers in my company usually are working interactively and
sometimes in their interactive work, they create a sci/sce program and
sometimes no.

       They made a calculation, sometimes the results  are returned
through  variables, if some operations like plot, save to a csv file,
etc can be done interactively, I think

       that this will make the work more "fluent" and easy.


[3] Just a button "Run" in the editor  instead or in addition to the
"execute into Scilab"  cascade option.



These three additions I agree, are not compared to increasing core
functionality in Scilab, even though it will increase the usability of
Scilab for users and specially for those that come from Matlab.




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