Link Scilab/C : Problem passing char* to a C function from Scilab

Charles G. cgerardi at
Wed May 5 15:23:17 CEST 2010


I'm currently working on Scilab functions and I need to call a C++ function.
To do so, I need to go through a C function which does the link between 
C++ and Scilab.

I succeeded in calling dynamically the C function from Scilab, but I still
have an issue passing matrix of char* as an "in" argument.

With the following function :

void callQuantitative(char* model, int* lengthModel, int* nbL, int* nbC){

I tried the following example :

/* These 3 first lines are to load dynamically the C function */
/* Then we initialize the arguments we are going to give to the C function */
model = ["Test"];
lengthModel = length(model);
[nbL,nbC] = size(model);
/* Finally we call the function */

As a result, I get the following error message :

ans  =


Attention: problème avec la pile ... nettoyé.

The error message is : "Warning: Problem with the stack ... cleaned)."

Note that the printf in the C function is done but weirdly in writes
the name of the C function (ie. "callQuantitative").

Also another issue I encountered concerns 2D float or integer matrix.

It seems that if we give a 2D matrix to a C function, it is actually
given as a single dimension matrix.

So I would like to know if it's a normal behavior or if it's possible to
actually give the 2D matrix as to be used as a real 2D matrix in the
C function.

Thank you.

Charles G.

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