SciLab question dealing with linear algebra / tensor multiplication.

Julien Colmars julien.colmars at
Wed May 19 19:41:51 CEST 2010


I've a SciLab problem dealing with* linear algebra / tensor multiplication.*

Let's say I have *a matrix A wich size is i * j * k* ( is it called a matrix
in SciLab ? a 3rd order tensor ? a table ?...)

SciLab knows that *A(:,:,1) is a matrix*, and SciLab is able to multiply it
with another matrix...
But it is *not the case of A(1,:,:)* for example.... which seems to be a
table of 2 1x2 vectors. [at least in SciLab 4.2.1]

I'm looking for an elegant solution to avoid many loops... my calculation is
becoming too slow :

*So these are my questions :*

   - why it is not implemented in SciLab ? (sorry for this naive
question)*Is there a specific reason not to authorize to build a
matrix from table
   values ?*
   - *How could it be done* (call to external C/Fortran routine or specific
   linear algebra libraries) ?
   - *Is it possible to simply make a permutation of two subscript* : for
   example from A(i,j,k) I want to get B = A(k,j,i) ? This way I could make my
   basic multiplications...

I hope it is clear enough...
Thank you in advance for your help.

*Julien Colmars*

PhD student,
Équipe Mécanique de l'Arbre et du Bois
Laboratoire de Mécanique et Génie Civil
Adresse :   LMGC - UMR5508
                Université Montpellier 2
                CC 048 Place Eugène Bataillon
                34090 Montpellier, France
Tel. :         +33 (0)4 67 14 96 42
Fax. :        +33 (0)4 67 14 47 92
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