Contributing to Scilab

Eduardo Tarasiuk eduardo at
Fri Oct 29 07:40:34 CEST 2010

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Dear Sirs

Our company is mentoring students, finishing their first degree in
Mathematics and Computer Science.
We propose projects, and the students may (or may not) chose one of
Each project is done by two students during one academic semester and
their work is recognized in their University.
We are willing to do take advantage of this relationship to contribute
to Scilab by adding functionality needed by us and to release the code
Open Source according to the Scilab Licensing, for the benefit of
everyone, using this wonderful Software.

My questions are:

   - Is any mechanism except the GSoC to contribute to Scilab.
   - Can I receive a List of a URL to the list of projects you are
interested in ?. The status of the GSoC projects is not clear in Scilab
     which projects are finished which not, probably you have a more
updated list.
   - Is it possible to have contact with a Mentor person in Scilab team
(during the project/s)  for the students, for questions, problems that
the students may encounter and that we in the company are not capable of
answer or resolve ?

We are willing to contribute using your (Scilab) standards in Software
Writing, Documentation and of course License, and we may need some help
and information on this too.

       Thanks you very much for your answer


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