the strangest bug I ever experienced

Peter Hinow hinow at
Wed Aug 10 22:09:50 CEST 2011

Dear fellows,

can somebody please try to run the little code below? The function fff should take a 7-dimensional vector and return another 7-dimensional vector,
  - 0.4  - 0.3   - 0.5    - 0.28  - 0.07  - 0.07  - 0.0796 . 
But what it does it returns a 9-dimensional vector 
  - 0.4  - 0.3    0.5  - 1.    0.72  - 1.  - 0.07  - 0.07  - 0.0796  
where for example -0.5 is written as "0.5 - 1". Of course then the fsolve does not work.
What could be the cause of this?
Thank you and best regards,

function y=fff(X) // X = [d1 h1 d2 h2 d3 h3 r]
  y=[2*X(7) + X(1) + 2*X(3)-1, ..  
     4*X(7) + X(2) - 1, ..
     2*X(7) + X(4) + X(6) -1, ..    
     4*X(7) + X(3) + X(5) -1, ..  
     X(1)^2+X(2)^2-4*X(7)^2, ..
     X(3)^2+X(4)^2-4*X(7)^2, ..
X = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.02, 0.1, 0.15];
xx = fsolve([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.02, 0.1, 0.15],fff);
d1 = xx(1); h1 = xx(2); d2 = xx(3); h2 = xx(4); 
d3 = xx(5); h3 = xx(6); r = xx(7) 

Peter Hinow, PhD
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413
phone: ++1 414 229 4933

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