Plotting to file wihtout graphical window

Antoine Monmayrant antoine.monmayrant at
Fri Feb 11 08:35:13 CET 2011


This is a question I have concerning the way the way Scilab is handling 
graphics and how it will handle them in the future (6.0).
At the moment, to export a plot to a *.png or *.pdf file, you need first 
to plot it to a graphic window and then export it (xs2png, xs2pdf, ...).
Is there any plan for 6.0 to plot directly to a file --like what gnuplot 
and octave are doing-- ?
As an example, I have some routine to crunch/interpret/plot massive 
amount of data and turn them in a sequence of images and then into a movie.
While I run this routine, my computer is unusable as I have graphics 
windows constantly flashing and stealing mouse focus.
I also have access to some powerful workstations where I don't have a X 
server: I can't get any plot file on these...
Any of you know a workaround for creating plot to file?


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