[scilab-Users] Re: Linear programming with scilab 5

Michaël Baudin michael.baudin at scilab.org
Wed Jul 20 14:49:28 CEST 2011

Le 20/07/2011 13:14, Alberto Marin a écrit :
> This kind of rank deficiency is very frequent in this kind of problem 
> (biochemical networks) and has never been a problem using the simplex 
> method. Since the only thing I know about the karmarkar algorithm is 
> that it is an interior point method, I have no clue about what the 
> error message about rank deficiency means. I have tried eliminating 
> the redundancies but the reesult is the same so the error may refer to 
> a completely different issue.

The "karmarkar" function has a very poor name: it does *not* implement 
Karmarkar's algorithm... The algorithm used in the function is based on 
the primal affine scaling algorithm, as discovered by Dikin in 1967, and 
then re-discovered by Barnes and Vanderbei et al in 1986.

To move the problem forward, I will create a separate bug report on 

>     When you say that you have problems when you use linpro through
>     the Java
>     interface, what do you mean exactly ? Can you provide a script ?
> If I  put this problem in an .sce file and execute it, I get the 
> result you mention. No problem so far. If I call linpro from the java 
> interface with the Siclab.exec() method it also works fine as long as 
> I use a 32 bits machine. But calling linpro through  the exec() method 
> in any linux 64 bits machine crashes the java virtual machine. This 
> same problem happened whenever I called the javasci engine with scilab 
> 4.2 but in 5.3 it is restricted to the linpro function, any other 
> operation I've tried so far (including karmarkar) seem to work fine.

I am not familiar with the javasci engine. Maybe some expert on this 
topic can help...


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