[scilab-Users] Link error 236

jasper van baten jasper at amsterchem.com
Wed May 11 11:42:31 CEST 2011

Hello Mike,

At 11:05 5/11/2011, Mike Page wrote:
>My C code includes the FFTW library libfftw3-3.dll, so this is 
>referenced within my DLL (foo.dll).  Scilab itself uses the same 
>FFTW library.  When Scilab tries to load my DLL, it also tries to 
>load my FFTW library, but this is already loaded.  This gives rise 
>to duplicate DLL entry points.
>The simple workaround is to use a different library - this can be 
>done by rebuilding FFTW with a different name (e.g. MyFftw.dll and 
>MyFftw.lib) and then using that within my C code.

DLLs that reference a DLL that is already loaded should not have 
problem loading (e.g. your DLL will also reference kernel32.dll, 
etc). So Scilab's libfftw3-3.dll must be different than yours... 
Hence, you could also resolve the problem by referencing the import 
lib that matches Scilab's libfftw3-3.dll.

Best wishes,


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