[scilab-Users] Link error 236

jasper van baten jasper at amsterchem.com
Wed May 11 11:55:44 CEST 2011

Hello Mike,

>Yes, I agree.  Scilab's DLL is the one supplied in the distribution, so it
>would have been built in a different environment I guess.  As far as I can
>see, the LIB file is not included in the Scilab distribution, just the DLL.
>Is that right?  If so, I can't build my C code against the Scilab version of
>the library.  I guess I could substitute my DLL for the one in the Scilab
>distribution instead?  But that sounds even harder...

You can make the lib from the DLL supplied with Scilab:

1) use dumpbin to get the exported symbols (dumpbin /symbols libfftw3-3.dll)
2) make a def file out of those (first line EXPORTS, each following 
line an exported symbol name)
3) use the lib utility to generate the import lib (lib 
/def:libfftw3-3.def /out:libfftw3-3.lib /machine:x86)

Hope that helps,

Best wishes,


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