[scilab-Users] Using a cell entry to access part of a matrix

Adrien Vogt-Schilb vogt at centre-cired.fr
Mon Nov 7 23:31:55 CET 2011

On 07/11/2011 23:19, Iai Masafumi ax wrote:
> Thanks for your reply. I wanted to use a cell array to manage a lot of
> variable in my code which is more complicated.
> I guess I have to put my question in a different way:
> After running the code below, type(II(1)) returns 17 while type(ii)
> returns 1. According to the help, 1 means "real or complex constant
> matrix". 17 means "matrix oriented typed list (mlist)". How do I convert
> II(1) into a "real or complex constant matrix"?

you could use :

m=cell2mat(II) //converts cell to matrix, what you asked.

if you build yourself the cell, i am guessing you are trying to mimic
something you are used to do with matlab
in that case, consider:

1-using structures instead of cells

ii=[1 3 5 7];
jj=[2 4 6 8];
y(ii)   // OK. This is an ordinary way.


y(II("myindexes "))
y(II.actual_name_i )

//useful for loops

2-using hypermatrices if ii and jj will always have the same size
II = zeros(1,4,2)
II(:,:,1) = ii;
II(:,:,2) = jj;


hope this helps

Adrien Vogt-Schilb (Cired)
Tel: (+33) 1 43 94 *73 77*
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