[Scilab-users] Understanding block interfaces

Andreas Stewering-Bone Andreas.Stewering-Bone at gmx.de
Thu Aug 30 10:10:18 CEST 2012


I have some general questions about block and palette building.

I would like to have a block with parameter dialog. Some of the parameters are shown on the block graphic interface (gr_i). But something changed if I compare the behavior between scicos and xcos.
Only a static graphical image is shown with the parameters defined in section define (build block time). I do not want to show the image, I would like to see the actual text string.

 No I will shorty explain how I construct the block:

- Definition of the block (Section define)
  model.label = ["XCos_SocketCAN_BCM_recieve"];

    exprs=[sci2exp(CANID); sci2exp(INTERFACE);sci2exp(CHECKTIMEOUT);sci2exp(TIMEOUT);sci2exp(TIMESTAMP);sci2exp(CHECKNOFRAMES); sci2exp(DEBUG)];
    gr_i=['xset(''font'',1,5);xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),[''SocketCAN BCM recieve'';''CANID: ''+string(CANID);''Interface: ''+INTERFACE;],sz(1),sz(2));']

    x=standard_define([6 4],model,exprs,gr_i)
    x.graphics.out_label = ["Msg"];

 Section plot
    CANID = exprs(1);
    INTERFACE = exprs(2);

- Build the block
  macros_path = get_absolute_file_path("buildmacros.sce");
  tbx_build_macros(TOOLBOX_NAME, macros_path);
  blocks = ["XCOS_SocketCAN_BCM_rcv"];
  tbx_build_blocks(myscilabpath, blocks);

- Load block palette
  pal = xcosPal("Xcos Linux CAN toolbox blocks");

  blocks = ["XCOS_SocketCAN_BCM_rcv"];
  for i=1:size(blocks, "*")
    h5  = ls(root_tlbx + "/images/h5/"  + blocks(i) + "." + ["sod" "h5"]);
    gif = ls(root_tlbx + "/images/gif/" + blocks(i) + "." + ["png" "jpg" "gif"]);
    svg = ls(root_tlbx + "/images/svg/" + blocks(i) + "." + ["png" "jpg" "gif" "svg"]);

    pal = xcosPalAddBlock(pal, h5(1), gif(1), svg(1));	
    //pal = xcosPalAddBlock(pal, h5(1), [], []);

  if ~xcosPalAdd(pal) then
    error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Unable to export %s.\n"), "can_toolbox.start", "pal"));

Whre is my problem. 
There are some basic blocks with the behavior I like to have, CONSTRAINT_c for example. 

Best regards 


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