Piping output of a program to a scilab script

Mathieu Dubois mathieu.dubois at limsi.fr
Fri May 4 12:39:48 CEST 2012


I would like to know if it's possible to use scilab in a standard UNIX 

I have some programs that output their results to stdout and I would 
like to read it from scilab.

I know I can launch scilab in batch mode with "-nb -nwni" and execute a 
command with-e.

I have tried to pass "exec(myscript.sci); myscript(); quit;" to scilab 
where myscript contains something like this:
while ~meof(%io(1))
         S = mgetl(%io(1));
         // Process line
fprintf(0, 'Nothing more to read\n');

Unfortunately, scilab immediately prints "Nothing more to read" and quits.

Am I doing something wrong? Any idea?


P.S.: It's easy to check that meof(%io(1)) always returns 1. I guess 
this is because standard input refers to the scilab command line (which 
waits for input) and not to the process standard input.

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