mismatch in calculation with scilab version 5.3.3 on ubuntu 12.04

Manjusha Joshi manjusha.joshi at gmail.com
Tue May 8 20:26:29 CEST 2012


Here is the code which is showing unexpected  results.
I started with vector v.

 v  =

    1.    1.    1.    1.

//Defined poly with roots as v
 p  =

               2    3   4
    1 - 4s + 6s - 4s + s

 ans  =

    1.0000000 + 0.0001886i
    1.0000000 - 0.0001886i
 //roots of polynomial should be all 1, how ever, answer is different with
scilab 5.3.3 on ubuntu 12.04 computers. At least 6 machines giving this
different answer. On the other hand scilab 5.3. giving correct answer.

Can any one put light on how to interpret it correctly or explain  any
other reason behind this?


Manjusha S. Joshi
Pune, India
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