[Scilab-users] root calculation

Calixte Denizet calixte.denizet at scilab-enterprises.com
Mon Nov 5 16:09:55 CET 2012

Hi Paul,

If the exponent are always negative and the coefficients are always 
positive, the function is strictly decreasing (so the derivative is 
non-null), you can use a Newton method.

function y=newton(fun, dfun, x0, eps)
     while abs(y) > eps
         x0 = x0 - y / dfun(x0);
         y = fun(x0)
     y = x0;


To find a "good" starting point:
If x is a solution then 0.403*x^(-0.121)<=0.1839 and 
60.5*x^(-0.73)<=0.1839, so x >=max((0.1839/0.403)^(-1/0.121), 


A faster way:
function y=newton2(coeffs, expo, cste, x0, eps)
     y = coeffs * (x0 .^ expo)' - cste;
     dcoeffs = coeffs .* expo;
     dexpo = expo - 1;
     while abs(y) > eps
         x0 = x0 - y / (dcoeffs * (x0 .^ dexpo)');
         y = coeffs * (x0 .^ expo)' - cste;
     y = x0;

newton2([0.403 60.5], [-0.121 -0.73],0.1839,2806,1e-10)


On 05/11/2012 13:13, Paul Carrico wrote:
> Dear all,
> This a stupid question, but how can I solve directly in, Scilab  an 
> equation such as :
> 0.403*X^(-0.121) + 60.5*X^(-0.73) -- 0.1839 = 0
> ?
> Is-it necessary to code a function ? from memory : dichotomy method, 
> secant method, Brent one etc. ...
> Regards
> Paul
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Calixte Denizet
Software Development Engineer
Scilab Enterprises
143bis rue Yves Le Coz - 78000 Versailles, France

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