[Scilab-users] parallelization

Paul Carrico paul.carrico at free.fr
Sat Nov 17 23:30:14 CET 2012

Dear all,


Here is a basic function I would like to perform on a multicore architecture
(the function is just to illustrate the issue) :

-           the inputs have been split into 18 sub-parts 

-          18*20 = 360° 
 elementary Sherlock


Thus :

-          How to use “parallel_run” macro ? (not understood)

-          How to store the intermediate results into a final matrix ? has
the chronology of writing can be imposed ?

-          8 procs 
 however 18 = 2*8 +2 
 troubles ?


Thanks for any feedback / advice







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nb = 18; 

i = [1 : 1 : 20]';

j = [1 : 1 : 20]';

[nl,nc] = size(i)


function vect_fct=fct_angles(i, j)

    vect_fct = [i j cos(i)+sin(j) -sin(j)];



//vect1 = zeros(nb*nl,4);

vect1 = [];

for k = 1 : nb

    vect1 = [vect1 ; fct_angles(nl*(k-1)+i([1: nl],1),nl*(k -1)+j([1:




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