[Scilab-users] Function to remove rows or colums with missing values

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Tue Oct 2 20:44:42 CEST 2012


Le 02/10/2012 19:33, samuel.enibe at unn.edu.ng a écrit :
> Dear sir,
> Is there an existing function in SCILAB to remove all  rows or columns with with one or more missing values from a matrix such as X.
> I want to avoid the alternative of using the scipts such as
> K = find(isnan(X))
> And then converting the K to row,column format before deleting the rows or columns with missing values.
I am afraid that a set of instructions is required. One possibility is 
the following
(to delete /columns/ with one or more %nan) :

m = rand(5,5);
m(3,2) = %nan;
m(2,4) = %nan

m(:,or(isnan(m),/'r'/))  = []
// m(or(isnan(m),/'c'/),:) = []  // for rows


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