[Scilab-users] strsubst

Iai Masafumi ax iai at axelspace.com
Thu Oct 11 05:56:43 CEST 2012

Using regular expression with strsubst, is there any way to substitute
multiple occurence of matched characters in a string? As my test code
below shows, replacement occurs multiple times when an ordinary string
is searched. But only the first occurence is replaced if regular
expression is used.
I am using ver. 5.3.3 and 5.4.0.


 a  =


-->b=strsubst(txt,"/\t/", "*", "r")
 b  =

 aaa*bbb	ccc	ddd

-->c=strsubst(txt,"/\t/g", "*", "r")
 c  =

 aaa*bbb	ccc	ddd


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