[Scilab-users] uicontrol in a function

Dang, Christophe Christophe.Dang at sidel.com
Wed Jan 2 10:48:53 CET 2013


I'm starting with my first graphical user interfaces.
It seems OK until I try to encapsulate it into a function.

Here is a minimal complete example:

// **********
function []=test(h)
    text = uicontrol(h, "style", "edit", ...
        "string", "foo",...
        "position", [50 100 100 20]);
    bouton = uicontrol(h, "string", "OK",...
        "position", [50 50 50 20], ...
        "callback", "text.string = string(0);");

fig = figure(0);
// **********

When I run the script, nothing happens.

And if I first run execute the script without encapsulation
then the script with encapsulation (without clear() inbetween),
I get
  !--error 999 
set : The handle is no more valid.
at line       4 of function generic_i_h called by :  
at line       2 of function %c_i_h called by :  
bject(251);text.string = string(0);;if exists("%oldgcbo") then gcbo 
while executing a callback

So, I can I encapsulate?

Christophe Dang Ngoc Chan
Mechanical calculation engineer
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