[Scilab-users] Peaks and positions

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Sat Jan 26 17:46:35 CET 2013

Le 26/01/2013 17:00, constantina a écrit :
> Sorry, I know is a basic question, i now the answer in matlab but not in
> scilab.... What is the function that let me find "peaks " in a matrix and
> the position of the peaks???
Here is a possible solution, including peaks on the borders:

m = rand(6,6)
M = [m(2,:) ; m ; m($-1,:) ];
M = [M(:,2)  M  M(:,$-1)];
pC = M(2:$-1,2:$-1)>M(1:$-2,2:$-1) & M(2:$-1,2:$-1)>M(3:$,2:$-1);
pR = M(2:$-1,2:$-1)>M(2:$-1,1:$-2) & M(2:$-1,2:$-1)>M(2:$-1,3:$);
isPeak = pC & pR
find(isPeak)      // returns linearized indices of peaks
m(~isPeak) = 0 //  to show only peaks


-->m = rand(6,6)
  m  =
     0.0437334    0.7783129    0.8415518    0.5618661 0.3873779    
     0.4818509    0.2119030    0.4062025    0.5896177 0.9222899    
     0.2639556    0.1121355    0.4094825    0.6853980 0.9488184    
     0.4148104    0.6856896    0.8784126    0.8906225 0.3435337    
     0.2806498    0.1531217    0.1138360    0.5042213 0.3760119    
     0.1280058    0.6970851    0.1998338    0.3493615 0.7340941    

-->M = [m(2,:) ; m ; m($-1,:) ];
-->M = [M(:,2)  M  M(:,$-1)];
-->pC = M(2:$-1,2:$-1)>M(1:$-2,2:$-1) & M(2:$-1,2:$-1)>M(3:$,2:$-1);
-->pR = M(2:$-1,2:$-1)>M(2:$-1,1:$-2) & M(2:$-1,2:$-1)>M(2:$-1,3:$);
-->isPeak = pC & pR
  isPeak  =
   F F T F F F
   T F F F F F
   F F F F T F
   F F F T F F
   F F F F F T
   F T F F T F

-->find(isPeak)      // returns linearized indices of peaks
  ans  =
     2.    12.    13.    22.    27.    30.    35.

-->m(~isPeak) = 0 //  to show only peaks
  m  =
     0.           0.           0.8415518    0. 0.           0.
     0.4818509    0.           0.           0. 0.           0.
     0.           0.           0.           0. 0.9488184    0.
     0.           0.           0.           0.8906225 0.           0.
     0.           0.           0.           0. 0.           0.5376230
     0.           0.6970851    0.           0. 0.7340941    0.


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