[Scilab-users] Modelica

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Sat May 4 10:20:43 CEST 2013

Le 04/05/2013 05:31, sathishmswamy a écrit :
> I am new to SCILAB and Modelica
> I want to access modelica standard library from xcos pallete. how do I do
> this
You must install the Coselica package. To do this,

* run the atomsGui()  command to launch the packages browser.
* Go through the browser. Coselica is in the Xcos and Physics categories.
* Just follow the proposed interactive steps displayed in the messages
    in the status bar.
* After having quit and restarted Scilab, just be sure to close the
    current help browser (if it was opened when you quit the previous
    session), and typehelp coselica : help pages were have been introduced
    very recently to document the package.


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