[Scilab-users] Advice from Scilab community

Paul Carrico paul.carrico at free.fr
Fri Oct 25 23:40:10 CEST 2013

Dear All

First of all thanks for all the advices I had ; the use of “members” works
fine and fast in a general case, but not completely applicable in the study

Due to the big size of my matrix (more than 400 000 rows with 4 columns ...
even greater than a million of rows) , I’ve a stacksize issue;  I tried 2
different ways in order to look for duplicates in the matrix:

1-      Each line is compared to the global matrix à see example 1

2-      The matrix is splitted into blocks of 1000 rows (maximum number of
lines without stacksize issue) à see example 2 
 better/faster solution from
the previous one 


Nevertheless I haven’t seen any way to avoid the use of (ugly) loops that
drastically slow down the numerical resolution  

 Can vectorization be used instead of loops in the current study ?

Once again, any additional advices will be greatly appreciated from the

Have a good WE




clear all;




n = 425053; //5021

A = rand(n,4);



i = 1;

while (i <= n)

    [nb,loc] = members(A(i,:),A, "rows","shuffle","last");

    Faces_tmp(i,:) = A(i,:);

    A(i,:) = [];

    A(loc(find(nb == 2)),:) = []; // the duplicated is removed from the
matrix in order to decrease the number of search


    i = i +1;


time = toc()

NB : “members” function goes quite fast 




clear all;




n = 425053; //5021

A = rand(n,4);


block_size = 1000;

rest = modulo(n,block_size);

number_of_blocks = (n - rest)/block_size;


printf("A splitted into blocks............\n");




if (rest <> 0 ) then

    k = 1;

    s0 = "...

    splited" + string(number_of_blocks + k)+" = A($ - rest +1 : $,:) , ....





for h = 1 : number_of_blocks

    s1 = "...

    splited" + string(h) + " = A(block_size * (" + string(h) + " - 1) + 1 :
" + string(h) + " * block_size , :), ... 







printf("Search for duplicates............\n");


// NB: when the block is compared to itself “members” gives back 2 for

// otherwise 1 is returned since 2 different blocks are compared

// duplicates are removed from the tested block 




for i = 1 : (number_of_blocks + k)

    printf("block ref %d ...\n",i);

    for j = 1 : (number_of_blocks + k)

        s2 = "...

        if (j == i) then , ...

            [nb,loc] = members(splited" + string(i) + ",splited" + string(j)
+ ", ""rows"",""shuffle"",""last"") , ...

            splited" + string(j) + "(loc(find(nb == 2)),:) = [] , ....

        else , ...

            [nb,loc] = members(splited" + string(i) + ",splited" + string(j)
+ ", ""rows"",""shuffle"") , ...

            splited" + string(j) + "(loc(find(nb == 1)),:) = [] , ....

        end , ...





time = toc()


A_final = [];

for i = 1 : (number_of_blocks + k)

    s3 = " ...

    A_final = [A_final ; splited" + string(i) + "], ...






-------- Message d'origine--------
De: users de la part de Samuel Gougeon
Date: mar. 22/10/2013 23:14
À: International users mailing list for Scilab.
Objet : Re: [Scilab-users] Advice from Scilab community

Le 22/10/2013 13:58, Carrico, Paul a écrit :
> .../..
> -I need to find and to remove the line wich has the same numbers (but
> different in order)
If you know them, you may use the function members() available since
Scilab 5.5.0,
with the options "rows" and "shuffle"


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