[Scilab-users] more than 3 y axis which are not plotted one above the other

stefan.rau at conducta.endress.com stefan.rau at conducta.endress.com
Fri Aug 22 08:56:08 CEST 2014

Hello, I want to plot several curves.

The result should look like

Hallo, ich muss mehrere Kurven in einem Diagramm darstellen.

Es soll so aussehen:


Are there any possibility in SciLab to plot the axis like in the picture?

I have only found (in the demo_gui() plotyyy) the options left/middle/right
for the location of the axis in the plot2d() function.

But if I have 2 axis on the right, there is one above the other....so its

Are there any solution for that?

Thank you....regards Stefan


Endress+Hauser Conducta GmbH+Co.KG
Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRA 201908
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Gerlingen
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Endress+Hauser Conducta
Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Gerlingen
Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRA 201929
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Manfred Jagiella


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