[Scilab-users] Increment of parameters in optim function

Romain Desbats romain.desbats at ifsttar.fr
Tue Feb 25 16:15:09 CET 2014

Dear Scilab Community, 

I am using the optim function to optimise a two-variable problem (called x1 and x2 ). During the optimisation I monitor the values of those variables as well as the value of the cost function to minimise. 

I find that after 36 iterations that the values of the parameters "did not change much": 

iteration 1 : x1=765 x2=12900 f=1.402D+08 
iteration 36: x1=764.82264 x2=12900 f=1.400D+08 

Is there a way to force the increment value of the parameters that are being optimised? For instance x1 could only be equal to 765, 764, 763... 

My question is similar to this one but I did not find further discussion: http://lists.scilab.org/pipermail/bugzilla/2010-February/000638.html 

Thanks a lot for your help. 

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