[Scilab-users] Help Documentation

R M rm.engineer84 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 2 10:52:25 CET 2014


I am using scilab 5.3.3 in linux.

I have installed the scispeech toolbox. In the toolbox there is this line
in start.sce, which is throwing error:

%helps=[%helps; DIR+'\SciSpeech\'+"man","SciSpeech"];

The error is as follows:

Undefined variable: %helps

Here is what I understand about the problem:

helps is an environment variable. The variable stores paths for help files.
The above statement is trying to modify the value and add the path for
Scispeech documentation.

Has the way in which help is handled in scilab changed.

If yes, how should I proceed in solving this problem. All the help files
for scispeech are stored as .htm files.

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