[Scilab-users] Is this a known bug?

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Mon Dec 21 16:10:31 CET 2015

Hi Tim,

Same memory drift with Scilab 5.5.2 and 6.0-a2 on win7_x64 is observed.
plot2d() is clearly involved, since further tests show that

r  =  rand(1,  5000,  "n");  
for  n  =  1:10000;  
     plot2d(r(1,:)  ,  r(1,:));  

already leaks, and apparently faster than when encapsulated in 
graphalot(), while

r  =  rand(1,  5000,  "n");  
for  n  =  1:10000;  
end does not. Hope this will help debugging. Memory linkage of plot2d() 
is not yet reported on bugzilla. Regards Samuel Gougeon

Le 21/12/2015 06:37, Tim Wescott a écrit :
> I'm running scilab-5.5.0 on Ubuntu 14.04.
> When I run the attached script and then run "graphalot" for a while,
> Scilab's memory usage climbs monotonically.  What is actually getting
> plotted doesn't seem to make a difference -- I just did the particular
> plots seen there because it's fun.
> I'm seeing this in a rather large, rather graphics-intensive script I'm
> using.  If I let the thing go unattended too long then Scilab slows to a
> crawl and takes my computer with it -- I suspect that if I were willing
> to wait for geologically significant amounts of time I could stop
> Scilab, but I usually end up just cringing and whining, then resetting
> the computer.
> (I'm not sure what would happen in Windows, or if there's a better way,
> under Linux, to make it not drag the rest of the world down.  I just try
> not to let the problem happen in the first place).
> I searched the bugbase for it, but my ability to find good search terms
> is usually far better in hindsight than actual use.  So -- is this a
> known bug, or should I file a bug report?
> If it's known, has it been fixed?  In what version?
> Here's the script, in case file attachment doesn't work on the list:
> function graphalot()
>      for n = 1:10000;
>          bob = rand(1, 5000, "n");
>          r = flts(bob, [%z^2 - 1; 0.5 * %z] / (%z^2 - 1.95*%z + 0.999));
>          scf(0);
>          drawlater();
>          clf;
>          plot2d(r');
>          ssz = stacksize();
>          xtitle(sprintf("iteration #%d, stack used %d", n, ssz(2)));
>          drawnow();
>          scf(1);
>          clf;
>          drawlater();
>          plot2d(r(1, :), r(2, :), frameflag = 3, rect = [-150, -150, 150,
> 150]);
>          drawnow();
>      end
> endfunction

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