[Scilab-users] Plotting curves against a set of points

Alasdair McAndrew amca01 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 11:37:34 CET 2015


I'm experimenting with fitting an ODE model (a non-linear system) to some
data; what I want to do is to plot the curves representing the ODE
numerical solutions against the initial (discrete) data points.  And I want
to be able to specify the thickness and color of the curves, as well as
providing a legend to it.

I can do the curves by carefully using gca, gce etc, and copying and
pasting examples from the documentation, but I don't yet know how to plot
the data points.

For example, I have a time vector containing about 150 points, and an array
containing all the corresponding ODE values; thus:


However, I don't know how to include in this plot the 14 or 15 data points.

I find gca, gce somewhat tricky to use - is there an easier way: a front
end to plotting multiple curves and specifying the characteristics of each

Many thanks,

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