[Scilab-users] Cannot understand scilex behavior when piping

Antoine Monmayrant antoine.monmayrant at laas.fr
Thu Oct 1 16:43:43 CEST 2015


I am not sure I can test your stuff.
When I manually feed scilab-adv-cli with your code, I get the following 
error when trying to open Edit/Axes Prop... :

--> Undefined variable: TCL_EvalStr

at line    44 of function ged ( 
line 52 )

Is scilab-adv-cli really the equivalent?
Or are all the non-cli things deactivated?


Le 10/01/2015 04:36 PM, Laurent Bonaventure a écrit :
> Hi Antoine.
> I guess that the corresponding command in Linux would be 
> "scilab-adv-cli".
> And yes, that would be very nice of you!
> Thanks for your interest in my predicament!
> Laurent
> Le 01/10/2015 16:26, Antoine Monmayrant a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I'm not sure I'll be of any help, as I'm using Scilab on a linux 
>> machine.
>> Is there an equivalent of scilex.exe on linux?
>> (Is it scilab-adv-cli or scilab-cli?)
>> If yes, I can try to run a test case under Linux using the corresponding
>> equivalent to see if it's a problem with pipes or pipes on Windows.
>> Antoine
>> Le 10/01/2015 03:51 PM, Laurent Bonaventure a écrit :
>>> Hello.
>>> I'm still trying to understand the difference in behavior when opening
>>> a graphic windows, between:
>>> - opening it directly from Scilex
>>> - opening it from Scilex, but when Scilex stdin is piped
>>> I managed to narrow down the behavior to the opening of a new graphic
>>> window by java.
>>> In Scilex (Windows 7+Scilab 5.5.2), if you type:
>>> jimport org.scilab.modules.graphic_objects.builder.Builder
>>> jimport org.scilab.modules.graphic_objects.CallGraphicController
>>> p=jinvoke(Builder,"createNewFigureWithAxes")
>>> jinvoke(CallGraphicController,"setGraphicObjectProperty",p,357,%f)
>>> //__GO_MENUBAR_VISIBLE__, false
>>> jinvoke(CallGraphicController,"setGraphicObjectProperty",p,355,%f)
>>> //__GO_TOOLBAR_VISIBLE__, false
>>> jinvoke(CallGraphicController,"setGraphicObjectProperty",p,358,%f)
>>> //__GO_INFOBAR_VISIBLE__, false
>>> jinvoke(CallGraphicController,"setGraphicObjectProperty",p,357,%t)
>>> //__GO_MENUBAR_VISIBLE__, true
>>> jinvoke(CallGraphicController,"setGraphicObjectProperty",p,355,%t)
>>> //__GO_TOOLBAR_VISIBLE__, true
>>> jinvoke(CallGraphicController,"setGraphicObjectProperty",p,358,%t)
>>> //__GO_INFOBAR_VISIBLE__, true
>>> then you get an empty graphic window (java), and when you select
>>> Edit/Axes Properties, the Tk "graphic editor" window shows up
>>> immediately.
>>> If you send the same commands to Scilex "through a pipe" (eg: cat |
>>> scilex) (assuming you have "cat" on your windows), then the graphic
>>> window appears normally, but the Tk window don't show up when you
>>> select Edit/Axes Properties.
>>> Strangely, if you then close the graphic window and then reopen it (by
>>> sending the above commands again), the Tk windows shows up (too late).
>>> Could someone give me a hint about what's going on here? Why isn't Tk
>>> interacting correctly with the java graphic window in the "pipe" case,
>>> while everything goes normally in the "non-pipe" case?
>>> Thanks
>>> Laurent Bonaventure
>>> Le 20/09/2015 04:41, Laurent Bonaventure a écrit :
>>>> Hello.
>>>> I'm still trying to pipe instructions into scilex (Windows 7, Scilab
>>>> 5.4).
>>>> When I send a plot command, scilex opens the graphics window and 
>>>> draw my
>>>> polyline -> Great !
>>>> Then I try to open the graphics editor from within the graphics window
>>>> (e.g. Edit/Axes properties) : nothing happens.
>>>> Then I close the graphics window.
>>>> Then I send the plot command again. And poof! The graphics windows 
>>>> opens
>>>> AND the long awaited graphics editor too. Except that nothing works
>>>> in it.
>>>> I guess it's some sort of handlers problem: the graphics window cannot
>>>> communicate correctly with the scilab kernel and get the correct
>>>> handlers to the figure.
>>>> What's more strange, is that the behaviour is correct when I start
>>>> scilex from within an interactive console (cmd)...
>>>> Steps to reproduce (you need some utility like cat from gnuwin32, 
>>>> or any
>>>> way to pipe commands to scilex) :
>>>> (Incorrect behaviour, with a pipe)
>>>> <from an interactive cmd.exe>
>>>> cat | scilex
>>>> x = 0:0.1:10
>>>> plot(x,cos(x))
>>>> <the graphic window opens>
>>>> <click on Edit/Axes properties>
>>>> <nothing happens>
>>>> <close the graphic window>
>>>> plot(x,cos(x))
>>>> <the graphic window opens, and the graphic editor too (but it isn't
>>>> functional)>
>>>> (Correct behaviour, without pipe)
>>>> <from an interactive cmd.exe>
>>>> scilex
>>>> x = 0:0.1:10
>>>> plot(x,cos(x))
>>>> <the graphic window opens>
>>>> <click on Edit/Axes properties>
>>>> <the graphic editor shows up immediately and is functional>
>>>> I don't understand how scilex can see any difference between both
>>>> approaches, and why it would have a different behaviour based on that
>>>> difference. From its point of view, there shouldn't be any difference.
>>>> Ah! And the -nw switch doesn't change anything... You get exactly the
>>>> same behaviour in both cases.
>>>> Can someone give me some sort of solution, or pointers, or even 
>>>> give me
>>>> an idea for a workaround. I need to pipe things in scilex, and I need
>>>> the first approach to work correctly...
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Laurent
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  Antoine Monmayrant LAAS - CNRS
  7 avenue du Colonel Roche
  BP 54200
  31031 TOULOUSE Cedex 4

  Tel:+33 5 61 33 64 59
  email : antoine.monmayrant at laas.fr
  permanent email : antoine.monmayrant at polytechnique.org


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