[Scilab-users] Wrong number of arguments? exclusive)

scilab.20.browseruk at xoxy.net scilab.20.browseruk at xoxy.net
Tue Apr 5 17:13:16 CEST 2016


> Fyi, that code does not produce errors in my Scilab 5.5.2 64-bit running
> on Win
> 7

Long story short, after blowing away the entire SciLab installation and starting again from scratch, I've now got a working loess() function.

(My guess is that while trying to work out how to install CWA yesterday, I also installed its obsolete predecessor and they conflicted.)

> Testing CWA toolbox's Loess code on your data seems to produce far superior
> results than the very simple 3-point median filter - see attached

Looking at your demo (thanks for that) I was initially quite impressed.

However, I wasn't so keen on the fact that with the 0.3 spread you were using, the function was affecting many more points than those I need to deal with. (My engineer's mandate that you stick as close to the real data as possible kicking in there :)

So I started reducing the alpha parameter (#3) to see how close I could get to eliminating the inflections whilst leaving the rest as close to possible unaffected.

I thought that I had found a good range of potential candidates (0.03 - 0.05, 2) when I happened to zoom on a particular region of the curve in the attachment.

If you look closely -- and its not easy to see what is going on -- that particular set of wiggles in the raw data is causing the loess() function (with those particular sets of parameters) to produce loops. The cure is worse than the disease!

Sure I can fix that by broadening the alpha parameter, but then I'm affecting pretty much every value in the dataset rather than just localised to where I need it.

So now I'm back to tweaking your 3 point median filter (perhaps extending it to 5 or 7) and Claus' Barlett3p() to see which of them gets me closer to what I am after.

And, from a couple of the seemingly random replies I received yesterday, it looks like I am taking up too much bandwidth here, so I'm going to back off and see how far what I've learnt will take me.

Many thanks for the time and patience of all those who've been helping me. 


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