[Scilab-users] uicontrol TABLE

Daniele Tonelli ddslamdunk at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 16:50:17 CET 2016


I don't understand how get the value handly modified from a uicontrol
table. I modify the table in the GUI, but I can´t get the new values.



// Include an editable table into a figure:
// Building a table of data:
params = [" " "Country" "Population [Mh]" "Temp.[°C]" ];
towns = ["Mexico" "Paris" "Tokyo" "Singapour"]';
country = ["Mexico" "France" "Japan" "Singapour"]';
pop = string([22.41 11.77 33.41 4.24]');
temp = string([26 19 22 17]');
table = [params; [ towns country pop temp ]]

f = gcf();
as = f.axes_size; // [width height]
ut = uicontrol("style","table",..
"position",[5 as(2)-100 300 87],.. // => @top left corner of figure
"tooltipstring","Data from majors towns")

// Modify by hand some values in the table. Then get them back from the ui:
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